Blockchain present in Cordoba – Breaking News

The first day Blockchain, is the first international congress of applied engineering innovation and continuing education. This event is organized by the National Technological University – Facultad Regional Córdoba, the Consortium Ibero-american Science and Technology Education – ISTEC and ICT Argentina, along with other entities and national and regional organizations.


Alejandro Sewrjugin

Alejandro Sewrjugin, was in charge of opening the congress Blockchain in where he addressed topics of interest, as is the smart cities, in their involvement pointed out that they are healthy cities that seek to improve the efficiency and lower the cost by finding a way of including citizens in the issue of governance up to a certain level. For his part, also spoke about the technological innovation, he emphasized that in the interest of all of this, innovation must always go focused on the citizen, beyond the benefits which represent the companies. He stressed that in order to have smart cities, and happy to provide to citizens to avoid formalities in public administration, or banks, would have to look more in depth what this technology can offer. Among the wonders that you can add to that is the reduction of poverty and scarcity not only in Argentina but all over the world. In each city, we are experiencing the same problems, such as pollution of rivers, for example. The problem that he pointed out, Alexander is the start to see how it is built from the outside in these cities, and not only to satisfy the life to the millions of people who inhabit the world, but to be the main actor that allows to attack the climate crisis, gender-based violence, poverty, etc Sewrjugin, said that he sees a crossroads in the next 10, 15 or 20 years and that in addition, but will begin to do things so different, not be able to fix it by magic. Ensures that if you continue with the same processes today, the solution is not going to come, this is why it is important to begin to change the concept of work efficiency, economic growth, search for other concepts, and see how that connects with being healthy, happy, and productive.

Money, promise of value

On the other hand, highlighted what, all the people think all the time in the money, however he stressed that it is a money without content. In this sense, commented that he would have to do a money increased, “a super-money”, a money with human sense. For this, he explained that must be issued by a human being and not by a central entity. To exemplify a bit, used the pyramid of needs of Maslow, american psychologist, in which is seen the market and the economic science in a group of economic needs which are no more than the property market, however Alexander notes that Maslow never thought of social goods, because what is left for free will or for the account of the government.

Increased value

Now, Sewrjugin said that this pyramid can be inverted, leaving as the first actor, then the social goods, those goods that, in principle, Maslow would have left the free will or for the account of the government. In this sense you could weave together transactions with social would be on qualitative value with market transactions, i.e. the quantitative value.

Follow purposes, common goals

He stressed that the people begin to pursue shared purposes and goals, and it reiterates that it is heavy to follow with this type of paradigms, on the contrary highlighting that people can be joined together with different classes on the social level and find a way to combat social problems such as gender-based violence. The sharing of common interests gives group identity.

Proof of work

He called on the engineers in the room to develop new technologies which include the testing of job, that they “try” the work, that human action in different areas.

Application of the technology Blockchain in Smart Cities

During this panel, highlighted the incorporation of ‘blockchain’ in the development of the smart cities and expressed that this will provide a platform transverse joint that connect the different city services and provide greater transparency and certainty to all processes. As is well known, Blockchain, came from the hand of Bitcoin and brought a lot of cryptocurrencies also, which opened the vision of many in the financial world but it also brought other things, like contracts smart. Blockchain is giving you the opportunity to trust person to person or to other companies. On the other hand, the panelists emphasized that the best solution to combat a lot of problems is the development of ‘smart cities’, a concept that refers to the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the administration and services of the cities to improve aspects such as efficiency, accessibility, safety, environment, citizen participation, economics, etc Panel on Smart Cities in the Day Blockchain in Cordoba Blockchain brought evolution to the world, and is applicable to all aspects that people can imagine impacting economic and social level. For his part, the representative of Ecodocta, Jorge Passetti also took advantage of the space to talk about how the application of Blockchian helped for this recycling project where you can make deposits into their machines, bottles, vessels or walls talks, and for each recyclable material, they give the person a learned, which is known as the first criptomoneda cordoba with a social impact that was born with the objective precisely to encourage this type of actions in the society. Camilo Rodriguez, one of the Speaker present in this intervention, pointed out that blockchain is a technological leap unprecedented and is born by a need, without a doubt, this technology breaks with the intermediaries to perform economic processes, and in most areas, outside of the centralization. The following two tabs change content below. Venezuelan, student of the last semester of Social Communication. Attracted by the new technologies and the development that they offer to humanity.

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