Censorship of YouTube from editors to decentralized platforms

YouTube, one of the social media platforms to share videos, it started a few years ago to remove aggressively the content crypto. In this way, the censorship of YouTube drifted to editors to decentralized platforms. The mass deleting channels and videos from YouTube, shocked the hundreds of small publishers who had published the content of Bitcoin.


Other alternatives to Youtube

The policy of the platform has led to enthusiasts of the cryptocurrencies to look for alternative decentralised to YouTube, which allow users to circumvent the censorship, and even encourage them with their own tokens. Now, in a YouTube video published recently, a channel called Bitcoin for beginners reviewed some of the alternative decentralised to this platform, taking into account its usability, tracking logs and user interface as the main criteria. Among the decentralized platforms for sharing videos, most popular are:

DTube, a YouTube with Blockchain

DTube is a video platform decentralized, based on technology Blockchain, which appears as an alternative to YouTube. In DTube the success of the videos is not measured by the number of visualizations, but for the money obtained. Instead of appearing the amount of times that they have seen the content (as in YouTube), this platform appears a figure in dollars, which is equivalent to the amount of money that is earning the user who uploaded the video. But the content creators are not the only ones who win in DTube. The rest of the users can also gain by the comments. This web site uses the criptomoneda STEEM to perform the economic transactions between its members, who reflected their earnings every seven days. In fact, the platform has become particularly popular among those interested in the digital currencies.


BitTube or Bit Tube is a revolutionary streaming platform of video-based technology Blockchain where you can earn money. So you must only use your service, that is to say watch the videos that are published there, to be able to win TUBEs, the token associated with the platform. On the other hand, the user who has submitted the video will also gain TUBEs in function of time of playback of your videos. The most interesting thing of all is that the service works without ads.


LBRY, is a platform for decentralized publishing of content, based on Blockchain, which offers users a library, a decentralized and global. At the same time, a market for the works of that library, whether they be books, videos, video games or any other type of file digitalizable.

Migration to decentralized platforms

The process to delete a channel or video on YouTube starts with the sending of an e-mail notifying the closing of the content to the owner of the medium. When all this happened, hundreds of youtubers have received a notice, to be accused of violating the standards of use of the platform and lost its contents. The editors and owners of the content deleted by YouTube, required to the social network to restore their publications, claiming that they had not committed any offence. After being ignored by the platform of videos, flocked en masse to the social network Twitter. From there they expressed the discontent of what happened coupled with the lack of communication on the part of YouTube that, until that time, had not responded to their complaints. It is not surprising that many of the youtubers that are affected by the censorship of YouTube, have turned to video platforms decentralized to share its content. The creation of engaging videos and information about string blocks, and cryptocurrencies has become a source of income for many of these individuals, so it is important that you have a reliable way to use it.

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