Why You Should Not Ignore PIVX in 2018: Analysis

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Private Instant Verified Transactions (PIVX) is becoming an all-time favorite cryptocurrency, despite the emergence of various types of digital coins in the market. Per Crypto Recorder digital currency maintained a decent reputation in the past, but it looks like things are swinging in the right direction for PIVX in 2018 due to its anonymous nature.

Cryptocurrencies boast various features, but many analysts believe that the core principle that ties digital money is anonymity. While some people lean toward cryptocurrencies for lenient bank transactions, a more significant number of users utilize digital assets to evade from the chains of the traditional financial systems which are typically guarded and regulated by central authorities. Meanwhile, in some countries, banks and government units still insist on getting a hold of digital currencies, which can rupture the essential purpose of cryptocurrencies.

While some cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin insist that their transactions are anonymous, the platform can also make the identity and transaction histories public, which indicates that certain types of digital currencies aren’t as private as they claim to be.

PIVX is becoming an emerging trend in the industry today because of the instantly verified transactions that it offers to its users. It’s known as a secure, decentralized, and highly anonymous digital asset.

PIVX was initially known as a hard fork from Dash in 2016. As it underwent developments in its POS mechanisms, its name was soon changed to PIVX so that its function can be integrated into the name itself.

Unlike other digital assets and currencies, PIVX features transactions that are completely anonymous and untraceable. The only information that will be shared in the blockchain is the occurrence of a specified transaction and nothing else.

PIVX envisions itself to be the leading cryptocurrency payment platform in the future, which is why it commissions its developers to further work on the privacy and efficiency of the PIVX mobile wallet.

The all-time high of PIVX in 2018 January was $13.80 and is currently recovering from the loss. This digital asset is up by $18.92% in a bearish market in the last 24 hours, trading at $4.30 per CoinMarketCap.

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