5 key points for the purchase and sale of Bitcoin – Breaking News

As we have been explaining to them as to dabble in the purchase/sale of Bitcoin on the platform LocalBitcoin, today we give you recommendations of how to do it without fail in the attempt.


1 – Be calm

My first recommendation is about your state of mind, since we are talking about your money, maybe a part of your salary or your savings, and for workers there is nothing more annoying than losing money trying to solve an emergency, guard against inflation, or dabbling in the world of cryptocurrencies. So once you have understood the risks involved in investing or use a platform of exchange for the first time, I suggest that with a mate, coffee or soda you relax and let’s start together to perform a successful operation that will generate trust.

2 – Buy Bitcoin

At the time of buying Bitcoin make sure you possess everything on hand, that is to say, personal identification documents, if the payment you wish to make by bank transfer, please make sure you have enabled the account to add new recipients and the amount to be transferred is an amount authorized by your bank. Remember that if you use an e-wallet like Skrill or PayPal some commissions apply, and therefore the balance that you have available in your account must be higher than the is available. At the time of buy bitcoins on LocalBitcoin keep in mind always the reputation of the seller that will appear in the list. In a lot of cases, the users of LocalBitcoin prefer to make transactions fast and secure, so if you’re new to the platform, it is normal to ask for some additional data. Once you choose the user to whom to buy, remember that in countries such as Venezuela, the Internet and the light fail continually so that these exchanges tend to take more of what you want, so I go back to the first recommendation, please be calm.

3 – Run the warranty when needed

One of the things that generates security in these exchanges is the deposit in guarantee that you have the time to buy or sell your bitcoins on the platform. For each transaction LocalBitcoin assumes the responsibility to retain the bitcoins temporarily until the operation is confirmed by the buyer. If you are going to buy, read carefully the announcement with the conditions of sale, and at the time of initial purchase the bitcoin from the seller are locked and managed by LocalBitcoin which is a security and the exchange of that your payment is secure and you will get your satoshis. Since I am a user of the platform, I saw myself in the need to run the warranty or “initiate a dispute” on 2 occasions, the first time was because the seller took more than due to release and stonewalled me for the chat, which occurred that initiated the dispute and LocalBitcoin contacted me and Bitcoin were released without major drawbacks. And the second time was due to the failure of the Internet in Venezuela but once re-established the service, the user would contact me and released with no problems.

4 – do Not abuse the trust

Despite the fact that users will have years verified and with 100% of successful trades, you should always have some caution. Those who sailed consistently on that platform, we have seen users with much experience and career have been the object of scams, which indicates that caution should be your ally always. Statistically speaking, accidents occur because of the excess of confidence, always believe that scams happen to other least to ourselves, is an error; the offenders have 24 hours a day to discuss and invent new forms of crime and to catch new victims, so I recommend that you calm.

5 – Qualify and make sure that you qualify

In the life cibernauta reputation is extremely important, in fact it is the first point you check before you start any transaction, so that a positive rating has a lot to sellers and buyers. So it is necessary to qualify according to the experience and also comment a bit. It is a bit curious to some and even unnecessary, but the reality is that it is an important marker for the community that uses the platform. When you are a buyer you’re always going to verify the reputation, and based on that you assume or not the risk. And if you are a seller also generates a certain degree of security sales by the amount of successful sales. So dear reader, if you want to buy or sell in LocalBitcoin first remember to have patience and calm, check the qualifications before you start a trade, and was cautious in the extent possible. The following two tabs change content below. Advocate, enthusiast of new technologies, believing that Blockchain and Bitcoin will bring development to the mankind.

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