6 investment advice from the experience of Jim Simons

The financial market has for many years existed. And this represents an important advantage for all new investors. Those who have the opportunity to learn from the experience of other investors, famous and successful. A fundamental value that, if handled well, can be of great utility to all investors in the market of cryptocurrencies. As evidenced by these tips taken from the life of Jim Simons.


1 – Stay calm

The investment fund run by Jim Simons, is one of the most successful in the world. And this they have succeeded in taking advantage of on many occasions, the panics of the market. Buying shares in the midst of significant falls in its price, when all other investors were selling. And winning large sums, when the price recovered. This is a lesson that is very important in a market such as that of the cryptocurrencies. Within which we are accustomed to seeing sudden surges. Followed by a collapse deep in the price of the criptoactivos. Therefore, it is important to remain calm in these situations, and invest with the head and not the heart.

2 – The long-term is an opportunity

The team of Jim Simons tends to focus on short-term investments. Where they have found the highest returns on your invested capital. However, to achieve this, Simons and his fund have computers, capital, and personnel that are not within the scope of the investor in cryptocurrencies average. For this reason, it is a good idea to focus on crypto assets that can be maintained for a long time in your portfolio. Selling them only when you consider that the price has increased enough. For this reason, the strategy of the “Hodling” can be perfect for the generation of large profits.

3 – do Not buy all of what you say

Always, those who have an interest on any financial asset, will have some story to justify their fall. Or even, to promise a permanent growth in your quote. All of this is noise, and should be ignored according to Jim Simons. Who even decided to automate several of its processes to be able to ignore this kind of distractions. Which is also important when we are investing in the crypto market. Therefore, there will always be dozens of crypto influencers giving their opinion on certain movements of the market. Therefore, it is crucial to establish our own criteria about what is happening, and make our own decisions.

4 – no Concentrate!

Despite its monetary success, the fund of Jim Simons only achieved gains in the 50% of their operations. What that indicates to us that the opportunities for profit in the financial market, are not so great as we might think. And forces us to concentrate the time of perform trading with cryptocurrencies, to be able to find these opportunities and seize them.

5 – Trust your team

You may be performing financial transactions for your account. But it is also possible that what you’re doing working (or beginning to be formed) with a computer. So in this respect, the lessons of Jim Simons are also important to you. Thus, Simons is dedicated to hiring the top talent that you can find. Creating a healthy work environment, and collaborative, which encourages its employees to give all of your part. That is a great value, if these starting to create your own team of investments in cryptocurrencies.

6 – Be humble

Finally, perhaps the council’s most valuable that we can draw from the work of Jim Simons is: be humble always. Never think you know all the variables, or that your strategy is foolproof. In a market as difficult to predict as the financial (and especially the cryptocurrencies). The best results will always be for those who question time and time again their work. Improving it and making it more exact and cost-effective. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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