Open Source Money: a Documentary cryptocurrencies

The industry of cryptocurrencies has become more popular than many had hoped in the beginning, and now we can even see it on tv. Specifically, we speak of “Open Source Money”, a documentary series for Discovery Science Channel about a company of cryptocurrencies fully funded with these assets.

This documentary series will be broadcast on cable television in the united States, in Discovery Science from the 4th of July. Therefore, it is time you know about it if you are interested in learning more about the possibilities with cryptocurrencies.


Who are behind “Open Source Money”?

The company in which is based the documentary is Dragonchain, a company of Blockchain incubated by Disney. So, “Open Source Money” was produced jointly by the company and media Vision technology Tree, and funded with more than US$ 1 million in cryptocurrencies.

Dragonchain is launched in 2017. Each episode focuses on the role played in the space Blockchain in companies like Disney, Facebook, and more. Also, comment on the work done in this field by people such as Patrick Byrne, Brock Pierce, Joe Roets, among others.

With “Open Source Money” know about the type of business projects that can be generated from the cryptocurrencies. All of this through Discovery Science Channel.

Why we are excited about this initiative?

We reiterate that what is interesting about Open Source Money, in addition to being on a channel like Discovery Science, is the first project funded with cryptocurrencies to be launched in the cable network world. In this case, Discovery Science focuses on the latest news, innovative in the world of science and technology.

In such a way, that same audience curious of technology is that you now have more knowledge about the opportunities and benefits that provides the industry of cryptocurrencies.

We went from being in an industry known only by enthusiasts in technology, to be in the presence of the same in our television channels.

Also, in parallel each day we develop more and more projects, Blockchain, and cryptocurrencies intended to solve problems that seem impossible with traditional media.

Are stablecoins or currencies such as Bitcoin, what is certain is that more and more people are aware that it is worthwhile to know a little more about what the technology that is behind this industry has to offer.

This is just the continuation of other events television that we have also commented in CriptoTendencia. One example is what we saw some months ago in an episode of “The Simpsons”, where Jim Parsons explained the cryptocurrencies and how does it work Blockchain.

Do you think that we will see more and more information and advertising of this industry? What excites you the idea? Tell us about it.

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