Ethereum course, in the future, a better return than BTC? Venture Capitalist predicts a further increase in ETH

The entire Crypto market is since last Sunday in a state of great excitement. Above all, the Bitcoin rate of today, Saturday, back with 3.9% a strong Plus, and is currently about 11.600 USD ranked. But Ethereum is again with 3% in the Plus and is as good as its Big brother in the past few weeks in nothing. In fact, the opposite is the case: the Ethereum course outperformed BTC on several levels. But what about in the future? When it comes to a well-known Venture Capitalists who specialised in Crypto-Assets is the to go in the future. What is his theory?


Ethereum rate makes BTC look old

Normally, rotates in the Crypto-Space is very much about Bitcoin. This is no wonder, because BTC is the crypto currency with the largest market capitalization. According to the Altcoin of the year 2017, could BTC rate of return to outperform technically, most of the Altcoins. However, in recent times, Ethereum, the number 1 makes a dash through the bill.

So the Ethereum rate recorded in the last 30 days, an increase of 56%, while BTC “only” show an increase of 27%. On longer time periods, this comparison looks even better for Ethereum. So ETH could rise since the beginning of the year 172%, which is almost three times as much as BTC with 61%.

This development of better returns on the Ethereum price compared to BTC the following Chart of the Tradingpaars ETH-BTC, which reflects the exchange rate between the two Assets is reflected clearly.

Venture Capitalist looks Stop the development

According to the Crypto-area, well-known Venture Capitalists Chris Burniske, is a Partner in Placeholder VC, will continue this trend of better yields in the case of Ethereum, in comparison to Bitcoin in the future.

As justification, he sees not only the current development of the courses, but also of past bull markets. According to him, a “cycle” at the ETH and BTC influence each other results. Due to the better yields in the case of Ethereum, you should be able to in the end more buy Bitcoin:

Since ETH illiquid, and is more risky than BTC, it tends to surpass the profits of BTC in a bull market, to land, finally, higher than ETH-BTC has begun… and allowed it to buy more BTC with the ETH, and so the cycle goes on.

He comes to the conclusion that this will lead to the fact that Ethereum will win in the long run compared to Bitcoin in value.

And then ETH wins since September 2019 against BTC, with a burst than 0.025 BTC in the last week. My point of the cycles, the increase in bull markets to each other, and in the long run, ETH is set up so that it can gain against BTC more.

Regardless of which Crypto-Asset will generate in the end the best return, is to be much more important on the market at all invested, to get the most from the positive developments. If you position in front of you on the market and, for example, Bitcoin, or Ethereum want to buy our stock exchange comparison so that you land in the right hands.

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Cryptocurrency Market