Bitcoin exchange rate in upbeat mood, Ripple, XRP, and the 10 trillion $ Problem, Ethereum test network 2.0 Update & more

Welcome to our crypto Monday of the week in review of the KW 33! As usual, this week has again much to report significant and so it is not surprising that we can again come up with a whole range of interesting News for you.

Our topics this week range from the bullish Bitcoin price predictions through our technical analyses, but also to the latest report from the Kraken, the Ripple CEO and his hymn of praise to XRP, up to a very successful outcome of the Ethereum 2.0 test network.

Of course, this was not Far from everything! However, much more is not revealed at this point, because in the Following, we have you in the usual regalia of the Highlights of the last week bit by bit and easily digestible manner.

But enough of the Preface. A lot of fun with our crypto Monday of the week in review!

Let us know what were for you this week the most exciting, or most important events, and discuss about it with our Community on Telegram.


Bitcoin exchange rate Formation speaks for a soon-to-be BTC price from 16,500$ or more

In this Bitcoin price analysis, we want to focus on the technical analysis of the Charts. More precisely, it should go to chart pattern, suggest that we could soon experience a significant increase in the BTC price.

Learn in this article what is the bullish pattern it is and what rate is the aim of the Bitcoin exchange rate. Read now.

Ripple’s CEO, claimed: XRP solves a $ Problem

Ripple CEO, Brad garlinghouse has dealt with the criticism of XRP, which is the third largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, apart.

Garlinghouse confirmed that Ripple had “absolutely no plans” to change its strategy in relation to the crypto-currency, in his words, a 10-trillion-Dollar-solves a Problem namely: cross-border payments.

Ripple has absolutely no plans, our strategy of ‘reset’. The use of XRP to the solution of a real $10T problem, such as cross-border payments, works.

But how much Truth is in this statement on? Learn more in this article.

Bitcoin Fear & Greed Index, year-on-year high: comes now the BTC price Crash?

The Bitcoin exchange rate has taken in the last few weeks to travel and was able to USD, not only the 10,000 mark permanently by breaking. Also, the brand of $ 12,000 was exceeded several times easily. The question is whether the $ 12,000 can be maintained in the next rise in the Bitcoin exchange rate permanently. As a result of these price movements in the Bitcoin Fear & Greed Index shot up in height, and high is on a new year. So positive, the rate of development is so exciting is the question of how long the Momentum will stop. Indicates the Fear & Greed Index on a Crash? A possible answer is that you will find in this article.

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Ethereum 2.0 test network is positive – about 1 million “ETH” were staked

Kraken has released a report that predicted that the Bitcoin price will skyrocket in the coming months, between 50% and 200% above.

In the report it is noted that the Bitcoin exchange rate on 24. July, a 21-month low, the volatility of 23% recorded. Furthermore, it is found that on the 12 the historic volatility lows of BTC (between 15% and 30%) in General, a rally by an average of 140% is followed. The extent to which this is the case for the current Bitcoin exchange rate and what the findings were otherwise promoted to the light of day, you can read here.

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What were for you your personal Crypto-this week’s Highlights? Discuss with us in our Telegram Chat and follow our News Channel!

(Image: Shutterstock)

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