HTC to bring New Blockchain Smartphone later this Year

Only in October last year, the HTC Exodus One came on the market. The Smartphone of the Taiwanese electronics manufacturer has as the first device in its class on a Blockchain, on the users of Bitcoin & co. can take. The idea: Users with more sovereignty over their data give. Finally, on the HTC Exodus One, the Blockchain on a separate Area is stored and remains so from the Android operating system separately.


Successor is coming sooner

As media reports suggest now, is to come the successor of the first Blockchain-based Smartphones in the world to market earlier than assumed. By the end of 2019, you can expect the Release of the device. This is reported by the Taiwanese news portal DigiTimes , with reference to the “Chief Decentralized Officer” (this Item actually exists), Phil Chen.

Accordingly, the new Blockchain will have a phone via all of the previously known Features as well as functions such as the remote Sending of messages and access to Social Media are extended. This is to ensure HTC through Peer-to-Peer channels, so block chains.

As Chen tells it, the decision on the timely Release of the update is a result of the positive sales figures of the HTC Exodus One. In addition to crypto enthusiasts, Start-ups belong to the customer base accordingly.

Blockchain Smartphones en vogue

Smartphones that can access remote applications, called dApps,, are growing in popularity. In March of this year, Samsung introduced its new flagship, the Galaxy S10. The device has a Wallet, on the user in addition to dApps also ERC20-Token and Ether drop.

That Samsung first not the Drop of Bitcoin support, provided in the scene for long faces.

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