Let’s talk about 2019 with Tone Vays

Considering the disappointment that was the 2018 with the fall in the price of Bitcoin for the war of hash, this 2019 has been quiet. However, many people continue to your disappointment this year, hoping for a better future. Among them is the star of the social networks, being Tone Vays. On this occasion, we will present an interview that we made to the people of CoinTelegraph. filbfilb was the interviewer’s Tone Vays, and publishing your interview on the day 4 of October of this year.


Disappointment of 2019

First they talk about the evolution of the prices during the year, focusing on Bitcoin as the best representative of the criptomercado: FF: do you Think that it is possible that we can lower even more to the new minimum of 2019? TV: Yes, I’m one of the few that has never relied on this increase of $ 14,000 and considered that it was not organic, despite the fact that my good friend Willy Woo can explain from a fundamental perspective of the volume chain. I give it a probability of 20% of that back to the low area of $ 3,000, or even make new lows for a short period of time. FF: What is your expectation of price for the end of this year? TV: I Think that the price will be around $ 7,500 to $ 8,000 at the end of the year, but going up to that area. However, these predictions of the end of the year have only two results. To be praised by a good guess or make fun of him for being wrong. This is what I’m thinking at this point, tomorrow it could change.

Future of Bitcoin

Continuing the conversation with Tone Vays, come to talk about a topic that is impossible to avoid, 2019, being the Future of Bitcoin. In their conversation, however, focused on the greatest representative of the same, being Bakkt. In his conversation, not tried on the functionality of the same, but in the controversy which revolve around the same. FF: a Lot of people suspicious of the project, in the sense that some speculate that it could be used to manipulate the price of Bitcoin. What is your opinion on the product? Do you think that is bullish in general for the space? TV: I Think that the best part of BAKKT is that it makes Bitcoin more acceptable from the financial point of view and legal. With each regulated financial institution and respected that you get approval to work with Bitcoin, it is increasingly difficult for governments to criminalize your use of the same way that we do with the cannabis in most countries. In terms of direct effects, there is nothing that BAKKT is doing that CME, Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini and Fidelity have not offered. The combination of parts of what other companies do well in one is not innovative and does not guarantee success. In terms of handling, this is what people say when you lose in an exchange. Clear that the big companies will try to take advantage of when they have power and that is why you should be observed by the regulators, but if you want to talk about a real manipulation, let’s talk about the prices of the diamonds. How is it that I can not negotiate these futures in a free market, such as corn, gold or Bitcoin?, sentence Tone Vays.

Pound could not miss

Another event that could not miss in a conversation of 2019, is the topic of a Pound of Facebook. In your conversation highlight the impact that it will have the same on the criptomercado and the lives of the people, raising the expectations of TV. FF: do you Think that the Project Pound of Facebook finally going to sail through the regulation and launch a product to the public? If yes, what will be competition for Bitcoin? TV: Honestly, I don’t know, I think that will eventually be released, but it will not be competition for Bitcoin. You will not have any of the qualities that give value to Bitcoin as inconfiabilidad, value resistant to censorship, transfer, and hardness monetary in order to compete with the gold ruled by the decentralization and mathematics. Pound Facebook is no different from the current financial system, but rather that the officials appointed by the government decide how much to print, it will be a centralized group of private companies. You will always have the ability to censor transactions, and to seize / freeze your funds if they so wish or if the government tells them to do so.


It can be seen that Tone Vays highlights his position that this 2019 was not the best year of cryptocurrencies, but it was not as 2018. In addition, the fact that only possesses your confidence by moments in Bitcoin, without regard to the altcoins, not even Ethereum. Expect to finish this by 2019 to confirm the position of the Tone Vays, or just shooting arrows into the air. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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