Auctionity, has successfully completed its first auction in DRT

October 7, 2019 by CanardCoinCoin

In 2017, DomRaider issued his token ERC 20, the DRT, and carried out the raising of funds in crypto-currency in order to finance its proposed auction platform decentralized : the DApp Auctionity.
An important feature announced in the white paper of DomRaider was to implement the DRT as a means of payment on the platform. Since a few days, this feature is available.


Sales, exclusive DRT : 24 auction results and a record 123 456 DRT

To celebrate the arrival of the DRT on his saleroom, Auctionity has organized a series of sales, exclusive DRT. These sales have enabled the holders of the DRT and the community to participate in the auction with a starting price set at 1 DRT. The assets sold included CryptoKitties, medals with the effigy of the DRT and several Ledger.
The series of auction concluded with the sale of all the lots and a sale record of 123 456 DRT for a Ledger Nano X : see here.

Scientific recognition of the security protocol of Auctionity

The team Auctionity in collaboration with the LIMOS (Laboratoire d’informatique, Modeling, and Optimization Systems) has developed a security system that is unprecedented, which has recently been recognized by the scientific community.
In effect, the publication titled “Security Analysis of Auctionity: a blockchain based e-auction” (trad: security analysis of Auctionity : an e-auction based on the blockchain) submitted to the 12th International Symposium on foundations and practice of security comes to be accepted. The teams Auctionity will present this publication at this event, which will take place from 5 to 7 November in Toulouse.
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