Art and Blockchain: a revolution

The Blockchain has changed everything. A technology that is essentially so simple has caused disruption in virtually all sectors of the society. Thanks to your intervention, the health, the education, the finance, the government, and of course, art, will never be the same.


The impact of the Blockchain

The technology Blockchain is not complicated to understand. Basically, the same consists in a decentralized database between multiple users. Each of which records all transactions made in the network. And at the same time provide capacity computing for the same work. This generates two immediate effects. The first of them is that the transaction history can not be changed, therefore the same is being taken independently by multiple users. A modification in the set, would require a change in each one of the parties, which is difficult to achieve. The second consequence is that the network can operate without a central institution behind it. And that is, if all the actors that participate of the Blockchain collaborate with its ability to compute, no need for central servers. This means a complete revolution in terms of transparency, privacy, security, and efficiency in the network. Being able to guarantee the inviolability of the records kept in almost every aspect of our life in society.

The role of the Blockchain in the art

Of course, the art is one of these sectors benefited by the chains of blocks. And is that, as explained by Dr. Nitin Upadhyay, the technology Blockchain is transforming the world of art in five different ways. In the first place, thanks to the transparency generated by the use of chains of blocks. Thanks to this, artists could skip the intermediaries in the distribution of their works. Since there would be no lack of Youtube, Spotify or auction houses so that they can exchange their creations. In the second place, the chain of blocks can be the basis for a reputation system. Thus, the artists and the public may begin to qualify the works of the artists with criteria that are transparent and public. The third point in that the technology Blockchain could revolutionize the art is the micro-monetization. And that is, with the string of blocks, you could create a payment system for consumption of art, by subdividing the same. For example, hearing a few seconds of a song, it would cost the same to hear it as a whole. In fourth place, with the codes of the contracts. Now, thanks to this technology, you can create smart contracts, or contracts smart. That automates the dynamic in the monetization of works of art. And finally, with the safety in the provenance of the works. Thus, with the chains of blocks, it becomes much easier to authenticate the origin of a work of art. Being able to know immediately of their origin, as well as the steps he has taken to reach the current point in time. A whole revolution. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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