“There is not the next Bitcoin, or Ethereum, unless they themselves are complete failures – Breaking News

Free advice on BTC News: listen to and look at as many as possible, keynotes, and Q&A’s, by Andreas Antonopoulos. He is the author of, among others, of Mastering Bitcoin, and Antonopoulos is regarded as an authority in the bitcoin.
On his YouTube channel he shares with his speeches. The video below, he has this weekend and shared it and it was the desire on the part of investors for new bitcoin to be found. He has plenty of ‘shitcoins’ point of view, with the promise to be the next bitcoin, which is not where you be able to make it.


The new and improved bitcoin

Bitcoin is in a particular cryptocurrency. The first of its kind and is still the only one that is truly decentralized, and where there is no company behind it. The coin has a lot of features that people are looking for, this is why bitcoin is far and away the most popular cryptocurrency is one.

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The time for bitcoin

This means that a lot of people and companies claiming to have a new and improved bitcoin-to-have, but a small note to be able to pick from the success.
Many of these coins have some of the features of bitcoin better than bitcoin itself. Think of a better scale, or a more user-friendly.

Not suitable

However, this comes at the expense of other properties, and if it is too far different from bitcoin, the currency will not be suitable for the cryptowereld, according to Antonopoulos:
“So, what is the next thing to differentiate? “Well, that’s the real challenge, because, if it is sufficiently different enough to be different than bitcoin, then it’s a different niche to work with.”

Ethereum is a success story

An excellent example is found he is Ethereum. Aether is in many ways quite different than bitcoin, and it dominates its niche, Antonopoulos: “The market for smart contracts on the basis of the virtual machine, the firm is busy due to Ethereum.”

Just as bitcoin or Ethereum itself will fail

There will be a new, high-performance solutions, and we expect this Bitcoin, or Ethereum, from the throne, to be disposed of. This will only happen if Bitcoin or Ethereum or even failure. “Small hacks and ban for bitcoin is not to make a difference, because it is the only way in which the koningsmunt would be able to succeed, it is due to a critical vulnerability, and that no one was able to solve it.”
Furthermore, Antonopoulos to the input of JP Morgan, and Facebook pages in the world of crypto:
“It’s not enough to be like Facebook or JP Morgan has to say: “Hey, we’re also involved in cryptocurrency. No, no, that’s not right. It’s not enough.”
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