Blockchain of Telegram will be launched on October 31, according to its first custodian certificate | Breaking News


Key facts:

Anchorage Trust Company is the first custodian qualified criptomoneda gram.The criptomoneda, which will be launched at the end of this month, has attracted institutional investors.During the present year, various technology companies, among which are found from the manufacturer of Samsung phones to the Twitter platform, have shown interest in bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies. Similarly, Facebook is in the process of development and attention of legal disputes to achieve the expected release of Pound next year.Within this group of corporations, the messaging network Telegram has not lagged behind and announced the launch of its criptomoneda gram for the end of next October 31. In the framework of this plan, the company Anchorage Trust Company informs that it will be the first custodian certificate which shall include gram between their digital assets, as explained in a press release published on its corporate blog this October 7.The publication notes that the inclusion of the criptomoneda native of Telegram Open Network (TON) to the line of assets supported by Anchorage, the institutional investors and organizations that develop products and services in TON able to keep their tokens secure way with a custodian qualified.At present, there are two ways of acquiring criptomoneda of Telegram: the first is the purchase of grams existing in the open market, and the second is the purchase of new grams of the reservation TON. The existence of both markets allows it to counteract each other, which stabilizes both the price and supply of token, points to the empresa.De according to the white paper of TON, “the first gram will have a price of USD 0.10, and each gram later that the purchase of the reserve TONNES will be sold for one thousand millionths more than the previous price”.Also, the price of the tokens existing in the free market may be different to the reserve price. It is expected that the users search for the lowest price. “In this way, the market will fall back to the grams existing when the market price is lower than the reserve price, and the new grams when the market price is higher”, states the press release.Currently Telegram has more than 200 million active users and 70,000 billion messages exchanged per day. For this reason, the platform, developed by the brothers Nikolai and Pável Dúrov, is among the messaging apps of the world’s largest. Its exponential growth is derived, among other things, the fact that gram has attracted several institutional investors, with $ 1,700 millions of tokens gram sold in two locations in presales private in 2018.

A pound and a gram are not competitors

Telegram has adopted a different approach to Facebook to launch its criptomoneda. As specified in its white paper, the criptomoneda will pay commissions to the nodes validators to process transactions and contracts intelligent. Similarly, it will enable to provide loans to the validator to change the reward for their work.Also, while Facebook has assembled a group of companies for legitimacy independent of the criptomoneda anchored pound, Telegram has developed its criptomoneda gram in relative secret. However, despite the fact that both companies have different approaches, the co-founder and president of Anchorage, Diogo Monica, said that both pound as gram should not be viewed as competitors but as complements. About it, said the following:

Gram and Pound are underlying technologies are completely different and are intended for different use cases, with the main objective of libra to enhance the financial inclusion globally and the main objective of gram to facilitate the payment integrated in the app to your existing user base.Diogo Monica, a co-founder of Anchorage

In this regard, the release of Anchorage indicates that the platform blockchain of Telegram incorporates innovative features, including multiple chains (chains teachers, and fragments) and new algorithms of test participation.It is also mentioned that TON used languages custom low and high level, a virtual machine, custom, and new mechanisms of consensus and participation inspired by blockchains and academic research existing.

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