Bitcoin-whale moves 13.180 BTC now follows of the Mega-price dump?

On the Bitcoin Blockchain, it came now to a large-scale transaction with a volume of 13,180 BTC to a value of more than 108 million US dollars.


Transaction moves UTXO in the new Wallet

The transaction resulted in predictions, Bitcoin price, and some believe that the Coins will be prepared for the sale. Others, however, the increased activity for the preparation for a rally. It is by no means an unusual transaction, if the same whales that move Coins, are rare.

In some of the smaller transactions in the amount of 650 to 1,000 BTC transfer of funds in addition to stock exchanges – is what fueled the speculation about possible sales.

After a negative third quarter, you can see the deterioration in sentiment on the BTC prices. After a short recovery from the lows at 7800 $ BTC trading now 8059,53 $.
In the past month, the Bitcoin network experienced a transaction value of over 1 billion dollars – and caused a associated with confusion among the users. There are plenty of “whales” that keep thousands of BTCs beyond the exchanges in their purses and always provide excitement, if you move Coins.
The address that triggered the last waltran action, is number 52 on the “Bitcoin Rich List”. She holds 0,07396% of the total BTC assets – about a tenth of the Coins that hold big stock exchanges usually. The address dates back to the year 2016 and is with 121 transactions in the input is quite active.
A further analysis shows that The reception address for 13.180 BTC was actually meant to receive the funds as “exchange money”. The sender of moving the 1,000 BTC to a specific purpose and had an unspent transaction output of 13,180 BTC that was returned to a different address.

The Bitcoin network activity is increasing again

The Bitcoin network is over 800,000 transactions per day – including the “Change”transactions relatively active. The value may actually be somewhat lower. The activity on the Blockchain is sometimes misleading since the fluctuations of the micro-transactions differ from the days that worth a lot of money is moved.
In the last days of the Bitcoin network, there is movement below a billion dollars. High transaction activity may also indicate a “Dusting attack” – the mass sending a few Satoshi to multiple addresses, to complicate the tracking of funds.
Text evidence: bitcoinis, CHRISTINE VASILEVA

Cryptocurrency Market