There are already two atms to buy cryptocurrencies in Venezuela | Breaking News


Key facts:

The cashier was activated at the hotel Eurobuilding, one of the most important of the city.Venezuela also has two atms and mobile phones, available in the andean region of the country.Caracas, capital of Venezuela, now has its second atm cryptocurrencies (BATM). It is other equipment installed by the Venezuelan company of Exchanges (Twenty (Venezuela). This time, the device was activated at the hotel Eurobuilding, in the area east of the venezuelan city.The company reported on the activation of the new BATM this Wednesday, October 23, through a posting on Instagram. The publication of the team of Twenty Venezuela does not clarify what are the specifications of the new atm. If we go by the first computer of this type, installed in a branch of the department store Traki, the cashier serves for the purchase of bitcoin and dash with dollars in cash.The user enters the amount of the currency fiat that you will use, put the QR code of your address of bitcoin or dash in a reader of the machine and receives the equivalent of your dollars in the criptomoneda of your choice.

At the time of writing of this note, we look forward for comments of the company responsible for the installation of this second cash in Venezuela, to clarify technical details of the device, expansion plans and his vision on the impact of the adoption of bitcoin in the south american country.

Atm cryptocurrencies in Latin America

In addition to these first two atm, another venezuelan city (Merida) has a couple of atms, mobile points of sale that are used for the sale of cryptocurrencies, in addition to allowing payments for products with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ether, dash or the stablecoin dai.As for the picture in the rest of South america, the percentage of devices BATM is low compared with other continents. In data of Coin ATM Radar, the region has just 1.1% (63 in total) of the atm of the cryptocurrencies in the world. Of these atms, the majority (36) are in colombian territory, and Argentina (11).The data of Coin ATM Radar still does not reflect the addition of the second cash available in Venezuela. When you get to two teams, the south american country would reach to Chile, Aruba and Costa Rica, data from the same monitoring portal-tellers cryptocurrencies in the world.

Growth at the global level

In just 2 years, between 2017 and the present year, the increase of atm of cryptocurrencies in the world has been over 500%. In data of Coin ATM Radar, the 1 of January 2017, there were a total of 964 BATM in the world. Today, there are already at least 5.804 atms of cryptocurrencies registered on that platform. Let us remember that, at least, lack the log of the second atm venezuelan.Already in the middle of the year, reported the existence of more than 5,000 automatic devices for the sale of cryptocurrencies. The pace of growth has been maintained during the rest of the year and are missing less than 200 atms to reach the 6,000 around the world. In a little over a year and a half, are nearly 5,000 atms that have been installed, with an increase of over 53% in the span of a year, between October 2018 and the same date to 2019.

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