JP Morgan unveils its platform for Blockchain hybrid Kadena

January 3, 2020 by Xavier

After three and a half years of hard work, the team of JP Morgan is finally ready to disclose its platform for Blockchain hybrid, Kadena. This new product will be launched on January 15, 2020.


A bridge linking the public and private companies

Kadena is currently prepared to fight your way into the community Blockchain.
As A reminder, Kadena is neither a private company nor a public company. Its role is to serve as a middle ground between the two, while ensuring the proper sharing of data between different groups of users.
Through this hybrid nature, it allows access to the Blockchains public. The Blockchain would be so scalable as to the Blockchains public than for private.
Depending on the platform, Kadena is supported by an infrastructure ultra-effective, offers better performance in the blasting of his token native.

JP Morgan at the heart of the area of the Blockchain

As in the case of many banks to scale in the world, the company JP Morgan is still very puzzled on the subject of crypto-currencies, then it seems to accept, and progressively deploy the Blockchain.
And for proof of this, the activities of the enterprise in space in the Blockchain is growing.
Not later than the last year, the bank had created a crypto-currency private referred to as JPM. It is a token that is only to be intended to make more efficient the production process of the company.
At the same time, JPM also can proudly display the Quorum, a peer-to-peer dedicated services of all its subsidiaries around the world.
Do you think that Kadena will make a real difference in the area of the Blockchain such that it hoped it would be ? Let us know your opinion in the comment section below.
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