Unstoppable, as well as the Domains through the integration of MyEtherWallet it for a better user experience on Ethereum. As of april 23, it is possible to simplify the recipient addresses and to create, by means of an .computer to a domain.
The domain name for cryptocurrency to be received
In MyEtherWallet, you can specify the domain name that you want to use, for example, Frank.computer. People will be able to this email address is then used for encryption to you emails. Please note that this service is not free of charge. The prices for a domain varies from $ 40 to $ 8,000.
In addition, a recipient address, you can also build a website on it .computer to a domain. This is a domain address that is outside the traditional domain structure, and therefore can not be due to the browser being open. These sites are more difficult to censor, and this can be useful for journalists in countries without freedom of the press.
In a browser, this website may open in Opera. The developers of Opera are in any case of crypto in our hearts as well as the browser’s built-in crypto-wallet. Opera also offers support for Bitcoin, HOURS, and Ethereum (and all of the ERC-20 tokens).
Recipient addresses are hard to use
Cryptocurrency is difficult to use, especially if the recipient addresses are going to. Think about it: what do you do when someone’s money in your bank account and want to transfer? Most likely the sum you have your IBAN number on it.
For cryptocurrency to succeed, that doesn’t mean an ethereum address looks like this: 0x5eD8Cee6b63b1c6AFce3AD7c92f4fD7e1b8fad9f. That is, it is impossible to get out of your head-to-learn, unless you’re a prodigy of nature, such as Vitalik Buterin are.
In addition, the probability of making an error is high. A single wrong digit or letter, and you will be sent a transaction to the wrong person. Copy the entire address, and then type the never.
The po ship to address, make sure that the cryptocurrency more accessible to a wider audience. Similar initiatives are, for example, Easypaysy for bitcoin, and this is the patent that has been filed by Coinbase CEO Brain Armstrong.