A Russian is complaining to Apple to cryptomunt has him as “gay made”

A man in Russia has a special action lawsuit filed against Apple. In his complaint, he gives it to an app on the phone to him as ” a homosexual has made so far. It reports The Telegraph.
The man was bitcoin (BTC) to buy it, but bought it instead, GayCoin’. The purchase was for a note: don’t judge before you’ve tried it.


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The prosecution is now, if it were possible, even gekkere turn of events. In a complaint to Apple, it is the attitude of the Russians we read: ”and I thought, what could I do to condemn them without first trying? I’m in a relationship with someone of the same sex attempts. And now that I have a boyfriend and I don’t know what to do, how my parents have to say.
The complaint shall inform the victim that the Apple is to him, through the manipulation of the power to be a homosexual. The ‘culprit’ in this is GayCoin, and he did not need to be able to receive it.
This guy claims to damage compensation of 1 million rubles (approximately eur 14,000). The man would have to suffer from the mental symptoms, and will never be ‘normal’, can be used. The lawyer of the young Russian says that Apple will have a responsibility for their programs.


It has been since 1993, it no longer illegal to be gay in Russia, but there is still a lot of anti-gay sentiment in the country. For example, in 2013, a law is made which is not allowed to be ‘non-traditional levenswijzes” and to promote it among children.
At the same time, various LGBT-related websites are blocked, and there have recently been a LGBT activist was murdered.
The fear of the good man, who is, perhaps, possible to understand it. But now, in 2019, there are plenty of books, videos, and other resources, and to find the which will help you to learn that, so far as is known not of the sexual orientation can be changed by cryptomunt.
There is another, more realistic scenario is that this guy is simply out to make some extra money. The judge will listen to the 17 of October to the prosecution.
Source: The

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