Atlético Madrid, comes with its own fan-a token of

A Fan of Atlético Madrid? There is some good news, Atlético Madrid, have recently launched a collaboration with the blockchainplatform and it brings its own token from it. According to a tweet from Atlético Madrid, and the Socios.

The Official Fan-Token’ is released via a Fan-a Token Offering (or FTO). This is possible since the fall of 2019 at the latest, for the first time, the owner of the token. The token will be in the first instance, for two dollars.


Fans to get more involved in the club

Fans will be able to use the token and use it for a variety of purposes. Thus, for example, they vote at the polls from the vicente calderon. In that way, the club is the commitment of the fans to improve on it.
But for fans of the tokens and use it to merchandise from the club to buy it. Or, for example, in order to play online games, and the rewards to be gained.

Apart from the united kingdom, France, Italy and Spain

Socios have a mobile app, which makes use of the blockchaintechnologie. The owner of the Socios, it is chiliZ, which is an organization funded by, among others, Binance and OK, Blockchain, Capital.
Socios in Spanish and is a member of, or a partner. If you have a certain number of tokens, then if you are a member of the club. In this regard, the name is smart was found.
Atlético Madrid, is a professional football club that works in conjunction with the platform of the Socios. Before it closed Socios also, in cooperation with the West Ham United fc, Paris Saint-Germain, and The serie a champions.

Technical details: cannot open the blockchain

The history of Socios makes use of the blockchain, but not an independent blockchain. The platform of the Socios will work on a so-called sc, a blockchain based on a different blockchain.
Socios will work on the Ethereum blockchain. Its cryptocurrency, called $chz, and this is a ERC20-token. You can buy fantokens, you are actually, therefore, indirectly, negatively. You can follow it all?

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