Binance: future XRP/USDT with leverage of up to 75 more

Binance, the home of the biggest change in the world, announced that it has launched futures contracts XRP/USDT, with a leverage of up to 75 times your trading platform. Ripple (XRP) is the fourth asset included in the trading platform of futures contracts, Binance Futures. This inclusion is particularly good for the platform, as it promotes its mission of providing greater variety to their customers. In addition, now that you have to XRP, Binance Futures strengthens its position as the favorite platform around the world. But it is clear that the company is not satisfied with that. Over the years have shown that they have a great interest in the innovation. Especially if this helps to provide a better experience to their users. Currently, merchants of Binance Futures can exchange contracts BTC with a leverage of up to 125x, the highest among the major exchanges of encryption. On the other hand, can exchange contracts ETH and the BCH with a leverage of up to 75x on the platform. This last is the same in the contracts of XRP.


Binance to the head of the industry

For nobody is a secret that Binance is one of the leading companies in the industry cryptographic. And not only for their exchange service, but also by the offering related to the trade of the future. In fact, the team of Binance Futures ensures that works tirelessly to offer the best services to their users. Among them mention may be made of a motor of risks, a settlement model, intelligent, and insurance funds. Added to this, last Friday, the platform launched the mode of margin isolated. This allows users to control the precise amount of capital that they are willing to take a risk. That way, you can mitigate potential losses. In summary, the mode of margin isolated allows operators to have greater control of leverage and the liquidation prices. On the improvements in Binance Futures, its director, Aaron Gong, explained that: “From the start, we have been looking for ways to build a platform of futures trading that allows traders to exchange their favorite assets in accordance with their trading strategies. We are confident that Binance Futures eventually become a platform for the discovery of prices, the adoption of cryptocurrencies, and the creation of value.” He also said that many of the improvements that were made to the platform were thanks to the comments of the users. Specifically, he stated that: “we Value the feedback from users and have responded to your requests by introducing innovative functionalities, and selecting the most valued digital assets of the community.” In part, this is one of the reasons for the added XRP to trade futures. However, since Binance know that they still have work to do and items to improve. For this reason, and in accordance with the comments of the Gong, we will keep listening to the requests of their customers to find them the best experience possible. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of International Studies, interested in new technologies and their impact on the world. A true believer that tenacity is the foundation of success.

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