Bitcoin and crypto-exchange, Poloniex will soon be in Chinese hands, the Americans are being kept out – Breaking News

A cryptobeurs where Americans are not welcome in it. Poloniex is still covered by the American group, the Circle, but it’s going to the Polo Digital Assets, Inc. The rumours are that the decision is supported by a group of Chinese investors. Rather, it was the admission of the Americans into the mainstream markets of Binance and Bitfinex will be denied.


Americans are not allowed to

This change will take effect immediately gone. The americans are now unable to create new accounts anymore. The americans, who already have an account with, and a cryptocurrency and save on Poloniex, until the 15th of december to keep their coins somewhere else to send it. That may be, for example, to a personal wallet or to another exchange.
From the 1st of november, users with a Us account is no longer trading on Poloniex. The show will have all of its U.s. clients an e-mail will be sent. Let’s just hope that everyone can act.

For the long-term

Poloniex has announced that they will no longer be covered by the Circle will fall, and their actual parent. Also, they can change their name to the Polo Digital Assets, Inc. This is what the team on this development:
“We have a long-term plan to have more than $ 100 million to Poloniex, to develop and grow. The cryptocurrency revolution is just getting started, and we’re in it for the long term. Unfortunately, our American customers, not to involve in order to be competitive in the global marketplace.’

Justin’s Sun is also involved

The parent company of the Circle, saying that Poloniex is supported by a large Asian investment group who would like to focus on a world-wide cryptohandelaren. Rumors have been circulating that the Asian group, where the Circle refers to none other than Justin the Sun, the notorious founder of the cryptocurrency HOURS.
On the 18th of October, wrote to The Block in which the Sun allegedly involved in the above-mentioned Asian investment group. This has been confirmed by anonymous sources at the Pictures. According to the article, it leads the Sun, the investeringsconsortium, and was even at the head office of the Circle.
One Sun to know he will be fast enough for the media to make an announcement to this news and to confirm or disprove. His reaction was all over twitter, but the response is ambiguous.

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