Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin: more and more Americans buy with their $1,200 to Corona-check the BTC

After a week-long promises to have millions of tax paying to get Americans in the last few days, your $ 1200 (or less, if you with a better income) tax-free checks from the U.S. government.
Due to the fact that more than 22 million Americans have lost in the past month by the COVID-19-the outbreak of their workplace was used most of this money for food, rent, mortgage payments, drugs and other life-necessary things. But many spend their money – or give it for Bitcoin.
Yes, really, they give her free money from the government for our orange Lieblingscoin.


Investors use “helicopter money” for Bitcoin

As crazy as this may sound, but Bitcoiners who are eligible to receive the free money from Uncle Sam, did what they do best: collect Sat (Satoshi – the smallest Bitcoin unit).
Guy Bennett, BitcoinorBust and El Barto are among those who are involved in the crypto money community and a 1,200 Dollar stimulus checks, only for Satoshi’s and Sats have spent. Specifically, this means that $1,200 you can buy around 0.17 BTC at current prices.
Crazy: the Reputable data suggest that it is by far the only three people who have decided on their $ 1,200 a Bitcoin to spend.
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So for example, Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, commented that his company yesterday settled exponentially more $1,200 in purchases of crypto-currency as a normally – with the percentage of the purchases or deposits that are exactly $1,200 more, on average ~of 0.08% to 0.375% rise on Wednesday.

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Important: Not only many years of Bitcoin believers and the hard-boiled HODLer use 1,200-Dollar-cheque, to buy Bitcoin.
Jason Yanowitz of the block works to a Group of crypto-media and events firm, which allegedly, had to be imposed due to the pandemic, a hiring freeze, said on 16. April that one of his friends had bought BTC for the first Time, with a portion of the Stimulus checks.
And then, the prominent Bitcoin Analyst and Podcaster Marty Bent is still there, the messages from his friends and colleagues, in which the words “Stimulus check” and “buy Bitcoin are mentioned” together.

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Fundamentally bullish for scarce assets

In some ways, it is suitable for: helicopter money from the government from the air, seized the capital for Bitcoin, is poetic.
As some of the largest crypto-cops ever mentioned, is the existence of these checks, and similar distributions of “free money” around the world for scarce goods, such as Gold and Bitcoin, in fact, of fundamental importance.
The basic consensus between managers and leading investors in the crypto-space is that the value of Bitcoin is proved by the devaluation of Fiat money around the world. This devaluation is caused by efforts to stimulate the economy – be it through the purchase of assets by the Central Bank or by the cheque.
Like Dan More, head, Pantera Capital, explains:

“When governments increase the quantity of paper money, it takes more paper money to buy things, the fixed amounts, such as stocks and real estate, compared to where you were without increasing the amount of money. The logical consequence of this is that you are also driving up the price of other things like Gold, Bitcoins and other crypto-currencies in the height.“

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