Bitcoin exchange rate better than the stock market?

One of the Central aspects mentioned in the framework of a future Bitcoin price rise again and again, is the Bitcoin Adoption. From today’s perspective, the BTC has already overcome some hurdles: there are some regulated financial products related to Bitcoin, such as, for example, the CME or Bakkt Bitcoin Futures. The best known crypto-currency in the world, therefore, has already the consciousness of many individuals and some large investors awakened – institutional investors, however, still hesitant.Thus, Bitcoin can now obtain just continues to be Momentum and therefore also in the future to grow, he would have to be more ‘mainstream’. To hear now that BTC is widely promoted as an Asset by financial institutions or institutional investors Bitcoin in your Portfolio. To get an impression about the current Situation, let us therefore today the results of a survey that was carried out by Chainalysis.


Bitcoin Adoption: potential vs. regulation

In the framework of the survey of 350 financial experts were asked how they rate the chances of Bitcoin in the coming year. Specifically, questions regarding the Performance, regulatory, Adoption, and the question of who will take the leadership role in crypto-currencies. Before we look at the survey results in Detail, I would like to give a brief summary of the main findings.Almost 50% of respondents experts believe that Bitcoin 500 to outperform in the coming year, the S&P.33% of their customers still have acts never with crypto-currencies, inter. The financial experts say about 13.5% of your customers that you know if these have already Cryptocurrencies.Almost 40% of the respondents say that the inability, whether illegal/committed unlawful activity with crypto-currencies, you withholding, and more with crypto-currencies to believe arbeiten44%, that increased the customer faith demand, but also to an increased supply on the part of the Institute führe38% of the respondents, that the United States will take the lead in digital currencies.Now, if we look more closely at the results.

Bitcoin transactions – customer activity at a glance

The first of five questions we asked the financial experts, addressed currencies of the activity of your customers with Digital. So Chainalysis asked what percentage of customers carry out transactions with crypto-currencies.In other words: how many percent of the customers are investing in crypto currencies?The results are interesting: Nearly 33% of the surveyed financial experts specify that your customers are not invested in crypto-currencies. A further 13.5 per cent state that they know whether their customers are in the area of crypto-currencies actively. Thus, almost 50% of the experts surveyed say that their customers are either by investing in crypto-currencies or it is not known.Almost 40% of the experts indicate, however, that to do at least a small part of their customers (1-25%) with crypto-currencies. In short: Bitcoin and co. are still Far from being an integral part of most clients ‘ Portfolios.You are trading on the world’s leading Social Trading Platform, you join the millions of people who have already discovered how it smarter to invest by copying the best investors in our Community, or be copied and as a result, a second income can be achieved. Start now!

Bitcoin price Performance – BTC better than the stock market

We now come to the most gratifying part of the survey. Thus, the relative majority of the interviewed experts is that you assume that Bitcoin will outperform the stock market in the coming year.The financial experts will see the Bitcoin exchange rate i.e., a higher growth potential than traditional stocks, the S&P 500 or other asset classes such as fixed income bonds and real estate returns.Now let’s take a look at the next three questions. In particular, the next question shows us that the financial world has currencies, despite the opportunities she sees in the growth of the Bitcoin rate, as before, concerns about BTC and other Crypto.

Financial experts are voicing major concerns

The experts were also asked what reasons you hold as a priority to do more with crypto-currencies. Thus, 40 percent of respondents, and almost, to control the ‘inability to illegal activities by crypto-currencies’ as the most common reason. In addition, 25 percent of respondents (and this is contrary to the previous point) not to say that the market potential was high enough.Further hurdles the experts in the lack of support by the management level, as well as the difficulty to see the regulatory conditions to be complied with.

The Bitcoin exchange rate benefit – What is the Motivation there?

The fourth question is the issue of what factors would cause your employer has more to do with crypto-currencies. Because currently, we see the image, that the relative majority believes in the potential of Bitcoin exchange rate, however, also sees obstacles, deeper delve into the matter.What are the factors so could be incentives for the employer to put crypto-currencies stronger on the agenda?Here we see the classic chicken-and-Egg Problem: Almost 44 percent of respondents say that increased customer demand for crypto-currencies that your employer would offer more in this direction.We come now to the last point of the survey.

Crypto currencies and digital pioneer

Last, but not least, the experts were interviewed about the state you see in the future in the leadership role for digital currencies. Specifically, the question was:If we had a global, digital currency in the next 5-10 years, what state would this control?The most frequently given answer is the USA. It must be said, of course, that the survey was carried out in the United States. According to the United States, most financial experts see China as a direct competitor to the dominance of digital currencies. Xi Jinping himself said recently that China is eager to take on the leadership position for the Blockchain.Yes and, interestingly, 30 per cent believe this is the second most frequently given answer is that no state would have the control over this digital currency. This means, therefore, that the global, digital currency is decentralized. In short: 30 percent of respondents place a very clear plea for Bitcoin.75 % of private CFD accounts lose money. No EU investor protection.What do you think about the survey results and the fact that the majority of the financial experts rating of the Bitcoin price in the coming year as an Outperformer?Come in to our Telegram Chat and talk with the experts and the Community. Subscribe to our News channel to not miss any News. (Image source: Shutterstock

Cryptocurrency Market