Bitcoin exchange rate, Libra, competition, and Craig Wright in the focus

The week started strong again, with a boost on Monday, drove the price on up to 10.600$. The MACD indicator turned in this year for the first Time in a downward direction, however, there was still an optimistic mood in the market.


What was wrong with Bitcoin?

Investors gathered, the order book looked bullish and Max Keiser assumed a $25,000 Bitcoin exchange rate due to the unstable stock market.
However, in the course of the week, the mood turned. On the days the gains were made on Monday nullified. On Wednesday, a setback in the amount of nine per cent, so that Bitcoin fell within a few hours to a level of $ 9.400.
In the case of a longer-term view, however, there are many reasons to remain positive. The upward trend for the year 2019 is still intact. The technical infrastructure is also good, because the Hash Rate reached an all-time high, while the BTC price finished the week trading sideways, around 9,600 $.

Libra & co. – The race goes on

By Facebook’s announcement of Libra, be a seem, other companies and institutions to follow. Telegram has long been thinking about a crypto currency, current reports suggest that this is imminent.
However, not only the Telegram follows this approach. Even the crypto-exchange Binance* announced a Stablecoin and even the Chinese government is in the race to create a competitor to Libra.
In the meantime, Facebook launched its Bug Bounty program for Libra. Anyone who finds 100 Bugs, you will be rewarded with a Million dollars.

More News of the week

Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff could hardly wait to log in after the fall in the price of the Bitcoin word and claimed that BTC did not pass the Safe Haven Test once again.
Samson Mow of block stream, called Ethereum, a technological cul-de-SAC, much to the chagrin of the Ethereum Community.

Craig Wright once again

Furthermore, again an Update to Craig Wright. Wright had this week in Florida-process with the estate of Dave Kleiman didn’t have much luck. The court ordered that one-half of a Million Bitcoin, and half of his entire intellectual property passed to the heirs Kleimans to.
Wright stressed that he had no other choice, and this now had to do. The Community warned that the flood of Bitcoin to the value of four billion dollars will shake the market. Whether he actually has access to the Coins will show up, but the Community is sure that it is, once again, a lot of Drama about nothing.
Text evidence: bitcoinis, EMILIO JANUS

Cryptocurrency Market