Bitcoin is a dead subject to talk about, has become

During the holiday season of 2016, 2017 and even 2018, it was there, on the dining room table, and when the drink is a lot of talk about bitcoin. Computer programs were a popular topic of discussion. Time seems to be over. But why is that?
Is a bitcoin really is, death as a topic of discussion?
The price of bitcoin is, it is twice as high as in december 2018. However, it is the only thing that you hear about from friends and family, It’s not going to work as well with bitcoin, isn’t it?
You can’t blame them, especially if you are a family only in the holidays, to see and be with them to talk about bitcoin.
Two years ago, we sat down with the biggest smile on raclette set is a little tough to do that in January, we have a lambo would have to buy it.

That lambo is not reached, because we have to cycle every day through the rain to the train station. Even Stephen Colbert pokes fun of bitcoin as a topic of discussion (at about 1 minute in):

With Google Trends, you can justify this. There is less and less sought for in bitcoin.

And the worst part, no one asks you what coins they need to buy, or if they need to get on bitcoin. But, please, don’t, if you want to talk about bitcoin with your family and friends, be it a try. The price is twice as high as it was a year ago.
Mark Helfman, author of the Consensusland, has some ideas about that. He describes himself as someone who is steeped in the cryptowereld is, but 95% of his time to spend with people who don’t crypto or blockchain to have it. He is not connected to the bitcoin fixes this publicly.
He divides people into four groups:

normal people
2017 graduates
tech professionals

Normal people ask questions such as, ” What does a bitcoin again?’ En: my nephew doing something with bitcoin, you can, too, right? ‘Bitcoin has no value, and it is the truth?’
2017-ers also don’t have a clue, but have bought some bitcoin in 2017, when all that is done. They are all in the minus, and to hold their coins until they are back in the plus stand. But you and I both know that their coins are not going to sell it. “It was fun while it lasted.’ In their experience, it is not the best.
Techies can find computer’s boring and risky. They understand the blockchain, but are skeptical about bitcoin. They will look at the technical side of things and see it as a collection of techniques. But they don’t understand the impact that bitcoin could have on the economy and the financial world. Why bitcoin is so revolutionary, it could have been.
For the real skeptics? These bonds do not. They don’t understand the technology but on the business side of it. At the very least, that they are thinking. ‘Bitcoin is too slow and too volatile.’ They like the idea of a shared ledger, but they will tell you that it is a normal database is also a good idea, because it was two years ago, I was told.


OK, Boomer

Helfman says he did a lot of talking with people who have the book have read it. Young people, even if they don’t at all see the potential of bitcoin. After the reading of the Consensusland. The general sum up of the elderly, it is not.
He said: “most of The people only use cash. Some of them are shopping online, but it may not work. A few key e-mails, and more. They have their whole lives to be in the same currency is used, and many of us believe that it is backed by gold…. Of course, bitcoin makes no sense for both of them.”
His advice: take it easy with the old ones. We have grown up with computers and the internet, bitcoin would not be too hard for us. But our generation has it hard. Why do you think that there is an entire industry set-up, to make bitcoin easy to make, training, easier to use apps to build, and to make sure that you are quick with the paypal bitcoin buy?

The best advice of the year

And if it’s really not possible to get for christmas, a normal conversation is about bitcoin, has Helfman is still a good piece of advice for you:
Bitcoin will always be there for you, your friends, your family or friends.

Cryptocurrency Market