Bitcoin is in danger by the NSA, or Google’s quantum computer?

Exactly a month ago crypto Monday reported on the leaked document about Google’s progress in the quantum computing. Now it’s official: Google claimed the quantum überlge beauty and presents Scientific results of the experiments. In the science journal “Nature” has now been published, a corresponding contribution. Is a threat to the Blockchain technology and Bitcoin quantum computer? Our Update to the new findings, and all backgrounds, as well as our Video you will find in this article.


What makes a quantum computer so special?

A classical Computer operates in the binary System. The, the Computer knows exactly two States: 1 and 0 in the transferred sense means power and power. The combination of these States, commands and calculations can be created. Now to the comparison of the quantum computer: the nuclear state of the particle can represent used to have four basis States. So a quantum computer achieved exorbitant more computing power than a normal Computer.

But what is the real danger for Bitcoin?

Theoretically, the danger is to hack the Bitcoin Blockchain with the extremely high computing power. To hack the Blockchain itself, should the quantum computer, however, the SHA-256 hash function, reverse, is used for Bitcoin Mining. This is self-implement with future quantum computers difficult. In addition, the Algorithms can be lifted with an Update on other encryptions such as SHA-3 family to a new level of security.”The Bitcoin Standard” there is now, at last, to buy also in the German version. The book is without a doubt one of the best entry-level lectures on the topic of Bitcoin and the monetary Potential behind the digital currency. A “Must Read” of what goes in each book shelf. Here you can receive the German edition at Amazon! It will expand your horizon, definitely.Buy now!

Private Keys can be decrypted

A real danger for Bitcoin comes only from the Private Key encryption. With a significantly more powerful quantum computer, it amounts to a Public Key the Private Key back. However, this is not an attack on the entire network but rather concentrates on individual Wallets. The advantage of this is Through the use of the derived Private Keys, to act within the rules of the network. Until this is possible, but the offense is likely still many years to be able to use the quantum technology is also affordable to operate. In addition, the Key generation on a quantum computer can be switched-immune encryption. Old Wallets need to be carried over to new Wallets.

NSA has more powerful quantum computer than Google?

If Google already has a quantum computer, would have to have intelligence agencies like the NSA already have a better one. Promising future technologies are researched first by the secret services or the military, and used. It was in the case of nuclear technology, as well as the case of the Internet. Andreas believes Antonopoulos, a quantum computer in the hands of the NSA is still no danger to the Bitcoin network. The expert for open-Blockchain technology and Author based his statement:

If the NSA has a highly-developed quantum computer, it will not use it to destroy Bitcoin. You will decipher it use to Military communications or to hack nuclear warheads. Bitcoin is a very small fish.

We have also given our opinion on the subject, and in this Video the best one:the NSA Has a quantum computer can be dangerous for the Bitcoin network? Come in to our Telegram Chat and chat with experts and our Community of. Subscribe to our News channel to not miss any News. Now also on Instagram. [Image Source: Shutterstock]

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