‘Bitcoin price goes down to $ 250,000 by the Lightning Network

It will go up again this year with bitcoin, and then you come to the good predictions by itself. A Blockchain Summit in Malta, it is durfinvesteerder Tim Draper is very positive on bitcoin: ‘I would expect that bitcoin, in 2022 or 2023 and the $ 250,000 is going to tap.’


Development of Lightning-enabled Network, works like a charm

According to Tim Draper makes the Lightning Network, also contributed to the price of the bitcoin is so hard to go up. With the help of the Lightning Network bitcoin is a lot more transactions per second.
“I don’t think that bitcoin is betaalverwerkers will ensure that there will be a tidal wave of adoption is coming,” says Draper. ‘By the Lightning Network, as well as OpenNode, anyone can freely and quickly, bitcoin to move it. In this way, bitcoin is not just a oppotmiddel, but the currency may also be used for micro-payments. Bitcoin can be used for retail, and it can be unlimited to be spent.’

What is the Lightning Network?

Tim Draper is referring to the current schaalprobleem of bitcoin. The blockchain of bitcoin can now be a maximum of seven transactions per second. Is bitcoin widely used as a method of payment? The blockchain against their limits.
The Lightning Network, will solve this schaalprobleem on it. It’s a kind of a layer above the blockchain. In this layer, thousands of transactions per second that can be sent out.
And all this with a minimum of transaction costs. A transaction will only have to do a satoshi too, which is one millionth of a bitcoin. The value is now down to about 0,00008€. That is, it is a lot less than the 66 cents that you pay for a bitcoin transaction.
The betaalnetwerk has been in existence since 2018, and is still a work in progress. The Lightning Network is now more difficult to use, but there are more and more wallets have been developed that you simply can make use of the network. Consider, for example, Blue, Wallet, and Breez.

Cryptocurrency Market