Bitcoin without the Tether (USDT)? Apocalypse or blessing?

A few companies are in the Crypto-world as controversial as Tether. The company issuing the same-named Stablecoin and the US Dollar (USDT) is Often the subject of criticism. For one, some are skeptical about the extent to which USDT is of real Dollar bills covered. On the other, there is a clear connection between the “Print” of USDT of the Tether and the history of the Bitcoin price. Some even speak of the Crypto Central Bank Tether.As reported a few days ago, have sued the two lawyers who have already sued Craig Wright successfully, now the company Tether in the USA. Accused of will have the company market manipulation and monopoly in the Stablecoin market. This is not the first attempt to Tether to court to sue you. Nevertheless, the concern, which would have a potential end of Tethers on Bitcoin and the rest of the Crypto market is growing in some Crypto-Fans. In this article, we analyze the Tether, and possible scenarios.


Tether made the rise of bitcoin possible in the first place

The crypto-currency Tether, with a market share of more than 4 billion dollars is already no longer one of the most important and largest players in the Crypto-Ecosystem. Accordingly, great is the Power of the underlying company Tether Limited.Tether was founded in 2014 with the aim of improving the liquidity in the Crypto-market and to enable access to this revolutionary, but still in the development stage technology. If you look at the success of Tethers and the rise of Bitcoins in the last few years, it is clear that the Stablecoin has achieved his goal. To a certain extent, enabled Tether, the growth of the whole Crypto-Ecosystem.Play now for free the world’s leading Social Trading network. Copy on eToro’s most successful traders and benefit from their Expertise or trade a variety of Assets such as crypto-currencies, commodities, and stocks. Create a free Demo account with$ 100,000 and see for yourself!

Tether as a bridge between Fiat and Crypto

The concept behind the Tether, and other stable coins is easy. To bridge the gap between the traditional financial system and the Crypto-Ecosystem, there is provided a crypto-currency, the 1:tracks 1 the value of a Fiat currency like the US Dollar or the Euro.As a result, the other Coins strong existing volatility not applicable. Crypto-newbies can be your money is much safer than investing directly in Bitcoin. This “safe Harbor”, you can go for many investors, the journey into the Crypto-world, then more. This type of crypto-currencies is called the “Stablecoin” (English: “stable-coin”) and also Tether falls into this category.

Tether is a catalyst for Bitcoin

The above-described object of Stablecoins met Tether is second to none, if you look at the Numbers. Approximately 83% of the Stablecoin-market on USDT. Only 17% of the competition.According to the figures of accounts for more than 50% (2 billion dollars) of the trading volume of the Tether on Bitcoin. Thus, it becomes clear why USDT has such a strong influence on Bitcoin.

Tether Disappearance and possible scenarios for Bitcoin

For a company that is as large as the Tether would have a sudden or gradual Disappearance of both direct and indirect impact on the cryptocurrency market. Although this is hypothetical, does not seem to Adam Back, CEO and co-founder of block stream, to think that Tether will disappear in the near future. If it would ever come to that would distribute according to him, the volume of trade on other stable coins with time. And there are many who share his opinion there.

If the Tether were to disappear, would flow the flood somewhere else!
The trade happens because of the demand. People use whatever is cheapest or most convenient. I don’t think the Tether will disappear in the next time. The operating activities of the company are of long-court seeds procedures are not affected.

Also, if the Disappearance of Tethers is, in principle, and in the near future is unlikely, we will in the following, the course of such a scenario to play through.Trading on BitMEX, with up to 100-fold leverage. Do you want to move also larger sums, but the money is missing? On BitMEX, you can act through the lever with 100€ a volume of up to€ 10,000 and your profit times the verhundert. Of thinking but always remember, the higher the leverage, the greater the risk! Now on BitMEX sign up.

Panic and FUD – Bitcoin exchange rate Chaos?

A sudden Disappearance of USDT, of course, would trigger the first panic in the entire crypto-market. This would lead to a sharp drop in Bitcoin. First, because many investors would want to leave the “sinking Crypto-ship”. On the other hand, because of the elimination of the trade pair USDT-BTC less fresh capital, for example in the BTC flowing. The extent of such a scenario can only be speculated.However, it is also the fundamental value of Bitcoin, the price drops would change anything. Technically, a Disappearance Tethers had no impact on Bitcoin. In such a scenario, it is therefore equally likely that the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum and co. would, in the medium term will return to normal.Adam Back says to this scenario, the following:

While the people and Exchanges to adapt to the lower liquidity and higher Spreads, I don’t think it would make a big difference for Bitcoin. The people would withdraw their USD from Tether. Some would maybe even take Bitcoin as a simpler exit.

Bitcoin Exchange Rate Pump

When you become aware that the crypto-currency USDT would disappear, it is clear that all have the USDT, want to get rid of it. The only question is, in which alternative Asset most of the escape. Because, as described above, Tether than Stablecoin is a kind of “bridge” between Fiat and Crypto.In contrast to the above-described scenario in which the bulk of the money would flow from the Tether back into the U.S. Dollar, it could also be that many investors are going in the other direction, namely BTC as a safe harbour. This would lead, due to the increased demand of BTC to Pump Bitcoin. BTC goods anyway, even before the USDT is the most important trading pair for Altcoins.

The conclusion of the Tether Apocalypse for Bitcoin & co.

It is so: Both the company Tether Limited and the same-named Stablecoin USDT have very much influence on the crypto-market. A Disappearance of Tethers would be so in the short term, Chaos and strong price fluctuations.Apart from the fact that a sudden Disappearance Tethers is unlikely to have the events around Tether in the medium and long term, little impact on the fundamental value of Bitcoin and co. would be sera, Therefore, the Situation with the time normalization and the volume of trade on other stable coins such as USDC (Dollar Stablecoin from Coinbase) to distribute.How would you react to a Disappearance of Tethers? Come in to our Telegram Chat and talk with the experts and the Community. Subscribe to our News channel to not miss any News. (Image Source: Shutterstock)

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