Bitcoin’s creative destruction, in Joseph Schumpeter, for a while

Column – Bitcoin is the same age as the iPad, but it is still not as uncommon in the average household. This is not a problem, because of the creative destruction of bitcoin will be much more far-reaching it. It’s not a matter of if it happens, but when.


The creative destruction of

When a Backlight with the broadcast of this past weekend is a former director of Shell, to the words of Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, who, between 1997 and 2001, the British-Dutch oil – and-gasconcern to manage.
During the episode, said Prosecutors in so many words, ” What you think, or do, technology does not have to stop. It was also During the gold rush were not the prospectors of the past, but the manufacturers of jeans (think Levi’s), and have the power to create.
Statements to me were in the Austrian political philosopher and ex-Finance minister, Joseph Schumpeter. His theory of “creative destruction” (creative destruction) is part of the war of the last century, in the archives.
He described the process as follows:
“The process of industrial mutation that incessantly offer revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly offer destroying the old one, incessantly offer of creating a new one.”
In short, existing economic processes to create a place for other (more efficient or more effective processes, and that it is almost a mathematical law. Old jobs disappear, new jobs are added.
For the reviewers below: no, this is a theory, not a shelf to store a number, such as in the bètawetenschap these days.
The theory is a description of a recurring phenomenon in the (western) capitalist societies.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford has come up with a way to keep the cars in the factory production, which makes the mobility of a very popular app.
Just fast forward to the iPod by Apple in 2001, is a revolutionary new way for mobile phone to listen to music. Then the Apple, then the iPhone in 2007 and iPad in 2010 and introduced, the on and off of the iPod.
With the arrival of the mobile internet, not when, where, and with whom you have a program to look at. One night, Joe Rogan on Youtube, it is in some circles in the US, has become very common.
The Trends that comply with ” the law of creative destruction: old industries have to be smaller or to disappear; as a result, new kinds of jobs.
Or, is that a fair process is, it is a political debate.
Destruction leads to winners and losers. Schumpeter believed that, no loss there so there can be no economic progress has been made. Whether the new prosperity will be evenly divided and is, or will be, I will be in the middle of it.

iPad, and Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the same age as the iPad, while the iPad is in nearly every Dutch household has a well-established name.
Bitcoin is still one of the broekie, and it is not as trendy as the latest iPhone, and a Height of 3.
And they don’t need to, because the one who is destructive, don’t need to be hip and the latest trend is to adapt to it.
As a search term on Google is, bitcoin is still trending in some countries, that is, in terms of their roots, sometimes closer than you think our safe and secure banks.
Think of the Turkey, more than 400,000 Turkish-Dutch citizens in the Netherlands, ed.). and in Argentina the Royal House, with three of the princesses will Bring to blood, ed.).
In countries with a corrupt government and an economy plagued by hyperinflation.
Bitcoin is oppotmiddel in a kinds of the digital asset to the ability to store the data, without the intervention of the state or the government.
Also, it is unlimited, because through the internet, radio waves, or satellite to send. This can be done with a piece of gold is not.
Bitcoin is unlike any other cryptovaluta a “hard” assets that are highly rated on the stock-to-flow model of the Netherlands, which is anonymous as PlanB.
Fundamentally, the network is stronger than ever, and this is the most secure decentralized network in the world.
In short, internetgeld to the next generation. My children (aged 6 and twins of 3 years old-ed.) the logo of the bitcoin show, they shout it loud ‘bitcoin’, while they are in school and need to learn to read and write.

Can I pay for it?

No, you can have it here in Amsterdam, the market is still not a piece of cheese to buy, perhaps, in the city of Arnhem?).
In contrast to some other currency, or payment has the bitcoin is not the owner, just like e-mail or the internet, you don’t have one.
No country has been able to enter the web businesses. And that’s going on with bitcoin is also not going to happen. We are a cusp of a new wave of creative destruction.
Bitcoin is not a Ford, Apple, Tesla, History, or Macri.
And, like the horse, have nothing to do with the factory Ford has to do, as bitcoin has nothing to do with Apple Pay or on the ‘instant pay’ ING.
Bitcoin has none, but is open to everyone. It is a scarce resource, e-mail, and it has a function: to get the money in on the table, or pay for it.
And that is the creative destruction of the the monetary monetary system, that’s going to happen, whether we want it or not. There will be other positions in banks and other related sectors of production (consultancy firm’s, attorneys, and notaries).
The ghost in 2010, it is out of the bottle. Locally, money sucking gently on the power of the sovereign state as the geldcreator.
The central bank in 2019, under even more pressure to get the economic engine going, with the bijprinten of cash, also known as quantitative easing, called.
And yes, it’s an unpleasant truth, but it will take some time before this scenario is going to happen.
The first is in the weaker countries than in the countries in which you do not expect it to Switzerland and Austria, for example, who always rank highly in a search for bitcoin on Google.
Patience is a good thing, because this is a marathon, not a sprint. In internet terms: we’re in 1994, when the Netscape browser had just come on the market.
Before we open up for bitcoin and satoshi’s never going to pay, it is still a very, very, very long way to go. But we’re going to do that, I have no doubt about that.
As the Ford once you set foot on the ground, the surrounding ecosystem is still not ready for it. Not even the broad highways that have below had to be set up.
As soon as the tracks were on one side, removed the horse from the streets. A ride on a horse-drawn carriage, is now a popular tourist attraction now.
Also, the bank and the mobile banking app from a major bank to pay and end up in a bank to a museum.
Also, bitcoin does not even Route 66. The first is the main road, it is in the form of a Lightning Network to another in a building.
However, the coach, and the letter seems to be the ‘old-fashioned’ forms of digital cash to place to make way for a cutting-edge new model is completely digital, decentralized money, and censuurvrij.

Come on bitcoin!

It is simply impossible to compare, because bitcoin is more than just a method of payment. Also called as digital the gold store and the shelf is completely wrong.
In fact ‘knowing’ that we are not yet what bitcoin is and what’s in it for us is going to do. There may be the speculation on a release, but that doesn’t make sense.
Let single bitcoin, but the disruption is already happening, every ten minutes a new block is in, as if it were a new digital coach’.
Let the new money, technology, but, come on bitcoin!

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