Blockchain: a helping hand for pets

Pets are a fundamental part of the life of man today, and the technology Blockchain is developing solutions for the coexistence between man and animal is best. Since the pets became a member of the family, has sought to offer better treatment and more care. This includes sectors such as food, health, and recreation. Every year we make more progress to improve each of these sectors. But one of the most dramatic changes it has experienced in the last few decades is the consciousness of the human. Every time, the people are more attentive on what you can do good or evil to their pets. That includes the products they consume, both for their food as health or recreation. In fact, it is quite common today that some pet owners choose not to purchase a product due to lack of transparency. This refers to that are not able to verify the source of the product or that this is not legit. And here is where Blockchain can help.


Blockchain: a new tool for the care of the pets

Using the technology Blockchain the people can ensure that they are purchasing quality products for your pets. For example, with the string of blocks can make sure that the ingredients that were used to a certain nutritional supplement, you really are says the packaging. And not only that; thanks to this technology, consumers can ensure the origin of each one of these components. This can help to verify the quality of the product. In addition, solve the problem of transparency. To turn, use Blockchain would prevent problems like the one of 2007, when a chain of pet food showed signs of being contaminated. This caused major problems, especially in Europe and the united States. Another advantage of using Blockchain can be in the health sector. If desired, a consumer may trace the origin of the drug that you are buying. It includes its transport from the laboratory where he was taken to the store where it is sold. With this we could prevent the illegal sale of these products. In addition, you could be sure of the reliability and quality of the medicine. Currently, to find the best quality products for pets has become a priority for most families. It is for this reason that guarantee the origin, route of transport and the transparency of a product is extremely important. In this article is presented as a technology Blockchain can become the best friend of pet lovers. And as the different innovations can ensure the well-being of the members animals of the family. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of International Studies, interested in new technologies and their impact on the world. A true believer that tenacity is the foundation of success.

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