Bullish signals: Mining giant Argo Blockchain increases to 17,000 Mining Rigs

The British Mining giant Argo Blockchain has increased the number of its crypto-Mining-machines to 7,000 pieces. By 2020, a further 10,000 machines are planned. This represents more than a doubling of capacity in just one year.


Argo wants to increase Mining capacity to 10,000 pieces

The crypto-Mining industry recorded profits due to the price recovery in 2019, again, many of the miners who had left the industry previously, experienced a Comeback. Mining heavyweight Argo Blockchain also saw some positive developments – in particular in relation to the modernisation of its Mining equipment.
The company has increased the number of its crypto-Miner, and also for the future ambitious plans. The number of the currently used machine has already been increased to 7,000. By the end of the first quarter of 2020, Argo wants to have up to 17,000 miners walk to mine crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin.
For this purpose, the Mining has ordered companies additional 10,000 machines, which are expected to arrive in the coming months. Then, the company has achieved its target of 17,000 miners.

Company is confident about new investment

The company’s plans may seem ambitious, especially when you consider the high cost for the Mining Rigs. In the year 2019, the industry experienced a significant upswing. Many expect that the Trend in the year 2020.
So far have paid off since may of this year, which is in use 1.026 S17 Antminer machines already complete. This suggests focus on one thing: that crypto-Mining profit is still very profitable. Argo-Executive Chairman Mike Edwards commented on the new strategy with the words: The company wants to ensure that the new Mining Hardware delivers the best possible results.
Of course, crypto-Mining Hardware is constantly evolving and is becoming more and more powerful with the release of specialized versions. Companies like Argo make large investments in the hope that crypto-Miner, the results that match your expectations. In this way, also creates long-term value for shareholders.
In other words: everyone wins. Although no one knows how the crypto-prices 2020 develop. However, the experts seem to be optimistic, and this is likely to be inspired also have Argo such a decision.

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