Calatuña faces political constraints of the government of Spain to your project blockchain | Breaking News

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The Spanish government outlawed the ID autosoberano based on a blockchain for the catalans.The project created an infrastructure based on blockchain in public administration services.The government of Spain issued a decree-law to take urgent measures of security in the area of digital administration. The regulations in fact criminalises the initiative of creating a digital identification auto-sovereign-based blockchain, carried out by the authorities of the autonomous community of Catalonia, media reported local.De according to the reports, the complete contents of the royal decree-law will be known next Tuesday, November 5, when it will be published in the Official Gazette of the State and be charged in full force. However, in a summary published on the official website of The Moncloa (headquarters of the Presidency of the Government of Spain), one reads that the government will create a DNI (national identity document) digital “sole and exclusive”.The digital id would be “the only document with sufficient value by itself to the accreditation, to all intents and purposes, the identity and the personal data of its owner,” reads the website. The decree also adds the prohibition of the use servers located outside of Spain and the European Union, to the public administrations of the territories of Spain.The vice-president of the Spanish government, Carmen Calvo, in declarations picked up by several media outlets, said that the decree is due to the adoption of preventive measures. The officer made no allusion to any particular case. However, it is said the motion seeks to block the project “republic digital” that is already in place in Catalonia since two years ago.The Catalan authorities approved the past month of June, the “Strategy for the Blockchain of Catalonia”, a project whose main element is the creation of a digital ID card in Catalan, based on the concept of digital identity self-sovereign, which we have addressed in-depth in Breaking News. This concept uses the transaction logs to permanent, immovable, and safe own of the blockchains.De according to the strategy, the identification would enable citizens to manage services to the public administration in Catalonia, proactive and personalized. In his presentation indicated that “the application of this technology is specially indicated for the management of public services, as well as for the implementation of the processes of citizen participation.”However, the Government of Spain believes that there are other intentions behind the project based on a blockchain of the Catalan authorities. A source linked to the security forces investigating the “republic digital” he said to the Spanish The Confidiencial that the creation of a digital identity Catalan would have a political purpose.

It is the most delicate of all: the attempt to create digital identities associated with the real, with the objective of participating in a referendum online. If in one or two years to organize something like this and we cannot stop or intervene in their infrastructure, is a problem. If you put that in the foreigner you have more chances of getting it.Source protected by The Confidential.

For his part, the head of the government, Pedro Sánchez, said in a radio program that the pro-independence “have taken advantage of the technology and have advanced in the construction project of ‘the republic’ digital. And that’s why the law is going to bind all the administrations that have servers in the European Union, not in havens digital”. He further noted that projects like the digital identity Catalan are ahead for spurious. “We are not going to have independence offline or online,” said Sanchez in his statement.

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