Canada has the farm of mining of Bitcoin more popular among the miners | Breaking News


Key facts:

The establishment canadian has a processing capacity of 85 MW.It also has an evaporative cooling system and air filter to maintain the equipment.The World Conference on Mining 2019, organized by Bitmain and held in Frankfurt, Germany, on 9 and 10 October, was awarded to DMG as the best among the farms of mining Bitcoin, as a result of a vote among the miners attending the event. The event brought together a total of 22 farms at the international level, the vast majority located in Canada.The canadian company, DMG took the title of “The farm of mining most loved by the miners”, positioning itself at the top of the top 10. It is an establishment that has more than 10,000 miners Antminer S9, A9 and T1 of Bitmain. The farm reaches a processing capacity of 85 MW and a few transformers of 60 MW, achieving even offer up to 170 MW of power.DMG is operational from the year 2018 in the city of British Columbia. The farm has an evaporative cooling system with water walls, which allows the company to save operating costs. Similarly, claim to have air filters to reuse the air in the room in winter. According to statements of its administrators, the farm has a total of 20,000 miners available to connect this 2019.

Other farms mining’s award-winning

Besides DMG, nine other farms at the global level were selected as the best in the 2019. MineBest, a company located in Kazakhstan —China— is one of the has a greater processing capacity. The administrators claim to possess three farms in this area with capacity of 20 MW, 80 MW and 50 MW each. In addition, the company is planning to build a city of 200 MW in view of the good climatic conditions of Kazakhstan.Coinsoon is another of the farms located in Kazakhstan that was selected to conform to this top. The company has today a capacity of processing 95WH, mas has planned in the future up to 250 MW. Enegix is the third farm of Kazakhstan awarded by the jury, which offers a processing capacity of 30 MW and a cooling system that recycles the air of the area.Canada scored three other farms of mining in the top 10: GPU.One, CryptoStarCorp and Block One Technology. The establishment of the GPU.One is located in the city of Eastern, offering a total of 35 MW of processing power with plans to reach 170 MW in 2020. Block One Technology and CryptoStar Corp have respectively a capacity of 8 MW and 15.5 MW for processing in Bitcoin.The american farmhouse RRMine also formed part of this select group with its more than 40 MW of capacity of processing and a substation of 100 MW. The company placed its equipment in the city of Oregon, building a system of cold corridors and hot to keep them cool. Iceland was also mentioned at the event with Etix, a farm of mining with a capacity of 40 MW. The facilities are more than 25,000 miners Antminer S9, which are kept cooled with natural air filtration.

Does China have the highest concentration of hashrate of Bitcoin?

Among other issues, the World Conference on Mining 2019 also revealed some data on the geographical distribution of the processing power in Bitcoin. According to researchers of OkKong, 77% of the hashrate of Bitcoin is processed in China. Europe occupies the second place with the highest concentration of active miners, representing a 11%. The miners of the united States represent the 8%, being the remaining 4% belonging to farms of mining in South America, Oceania and Africa.Source: user @AprilATX on Twitter.If we take into account that two of the farms of mining above that possessed greater processing power found in Kazajistían, it makes sense that 77% of the hashrate of Bitcoin is concentrated in China. Similarly, researchers from the university of Princeton and Florida have also reported that the mining of Bitcoin may be at risk of focus on China.However, it is important to take in consideration that this event has been organised by the company of fabrication of the ASIC, Bitmain. Because of this, you might not be taking into account the participation in the network of other mining companies that are not using their computers.The world map of mining deployed in the event does not reflect the existence of farms dedicated to this activity in Venezuela. Source: @CyberianMine on Twitter.It is notorious that in the world map of farms, of mining placed by the organizers of the congress, there is no entity identified in Venezuela, in which mining activity, and not only of bitcoin, even with government licenses to work in this sector.

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