Catalonia organizes hackathon to improve the management of waste using a blockchain


Key facts:

The participation is open to multidisciplinary teams of 2 to 4 people.A mobile application should indicate to the user how it contributes to the process of waste collection.Through the Waste Agency and the Department of Digital Policies, the Generalitat of Catalonia, opened the call for submissions for the hackathon Blockchain Challenge, which will be held in the Espai BITal in Barcelona, Spain. The hackathon will last 24 hours (from 30 November to 1 December), and aims to improve the monitoring and management of the selective collection of municipal waste, with the use of a blockchain.On the official website of the Blockchain Challenge, it was announced that the participation is open to multidisciplinary teams of 2 to 4 people. Must have at least one specialist in the technology of chains of blocks, a programmer or a developer, UX (user Experience) or UI (user Interface). The teams with the two best proposals will receive a prize of 4 thousand and 2 thousand euros, respectivamente.De accordance with what is stated in the foundations of the Blockchain Challenge, the system developed by the participating teams, should allow to the public administrations access to information and to adapt their performances in function of the results obtained, rethinking the method for improving the efficiency of the public service, both from the environmental point of view as economic and social.The challenge is to have a system of tracking and monitoring transparent and accessible, to every citizen and every economic activity produces waste you may know how it contributes to the improvement of the selective collection in their territory. The organizers point out as the goal of the competition “identify citizens, and the economic activities generating municipal waste using a mobile application and record its behavior in the chain of blocks, to the selective collection”.Proposals will be evaluated by a jury made by experts, based on the fulfillment of a series of criteria such as originality and degree of innovation, cost and replicability of the project and functional design of the idea. Also, you will be taken into account the role of technology blockchain within the solution, that is relevant and non-replaceable.

The challenge of Catalonia with your project blockchain

Catalonia, one of the Spanish regions most committed to the development of projects that involve chains of blocks, found a brake part of the government preceded by Pedro Sanchez, which through a decree law to take urgent measures of security in the area of digital administration, vetoed the initiative of the System of National Identification card (DNI), proposed by the government.However, the Spanish town continues to move forward with their plans for the next three years. Among them considers to perform pilot tests with blockchain in a plan that has been called the “Strategy blockchain”, which aims to transform the operating and administrative processes in seven areas such as health, garbage collection, among others.

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