Challenge Blockchain : EOS will award $ 200,000 to the future winners

February 7, 2020 by Clementine

The games are open on the ecosystem EOS. Team EOS will be a challenge for developers to operate the intelligent contracts Ethereum on its Blockchain. Those who manage to solve this puzzle will receive a reward of 200 000 dollars.


A challenge to be daunting

Block.One, the team in charge of EOS, has launched a competition for a prize of $ 200 000 developers Blockchain. The challenge Blockchain is to implement and operate intelligent contracts Ethereum on EOS. In the details, EOS seeks to integrate EVM, the programming language, the most popular on Ethereum, in its ecosystem.

“Participants must create a smart contract EOSIO protocol (the blockchain EOS) that can store and make use of smart contract EVM (Solidity), in a virtual environment comparable to Ethereum “, one can read on the official website of the Blockchain.

Currently, EOS mainly uses the C++ programming language and the Web Assembly to design its intelligent contracts and plans to switch to the EVM, thanks to the new solutions provided by the future winner of the contest.

EOS wants to stand out

The challenge aims to encourage collaboration between developers Blockchain and solve the problem of interoperability in this industry.

“The challenge allows developers to EOSIO, of Ethereum and communities Blockchain wider use of their development platforms favorite while enjoying the benefits of EOSIO. For example, EOSIO can treat the intelligent contracts more quickly, which reduces the impact of a significant hurdle for developers, ” said team Block.One.

Through the initiative, EOS seeks to supply its talent pool by attracting the attention of developers capable of developing Dapps first rank. According to the data of the site information DAppReview, EOS is not currently as 675 DApps, while Ethereum account 2 190.
What do you think of the encouragement of new talent through the platforms Blockchain renowned as EOS? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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Passionate about the universe geek, Clementine finds the news more interesting and involved in their drafting.

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