Could Ransomware drive the Bitcoin price up?

According to research, the number of cases of fraud has increased with the so-called malicious Software (also known as “Ransomware”) in the year 2019, significantly. Payment method of choice for those responsible for cyber criminals: in General, crypto currencies, usually Bitcoin. Could depend on the current BTC price fluctuations, so perhaps with the increase in this Scam together?

Bitcoin-price and Ransomware

US-ministries, public institutions, schools, hospitals and businesses are increasingly being attacks, the victims of Ransomware. According to a report by Malwarebytes, there were in the first half of the year 2019, an increase of 363% compared to the previous year.
In the case of the attack, Malware is used to encrypt important files on the victim’s Computer. Then a small ransom is required to decrypt the files – and here, you will want to Bitcoin.
In addition, investigations of the cyber-security company, rose Emisoft show that the average ransom in the first quarter of 2019 89% 12.762 US Dollar. 98% of all ransom payments Bitcoin was used, and 96% of all companies that have paid the ransom, received the then a working tool for decryption.
Mainly, these attacks to Bitcoin, with the remaining 2% is generally for privacy Coins like Monero and Dash. So the realistic possibility that the ransom-payers are driving the BTC-demand and thus the price to the above results.
The article suggests in this regard that the WannaCry-attack-2017 impact on the then BTC would have had a price. The attack infected more than 300,000 computers worldwide. Emisoft-speaker Brett Callow also stresses that it is incident to a connection between high-profile Ransomware and Bitcoin price seems to be.
This year, numerous Ransomware received payouts platforms larger Ransom. One of them, Ryuk, of the turned according to TrendMicro to logistics and technology companies as well as small municipalities.
The cyber security, Professor Alan Woodward, according to the Ransomware could be a part of it – the price of Bitcoin is so volatile and have such a momentum that many different factors come into question. One of these factors could be that companies expect a Ransomware attack, have bought Bitcoin in preparation.

“We know that a significant number of companies are hoarding Bitcoin, if you are affected by Ransomware, and a demand to pay. It seems to be reasonable that the greater the requirements are, and the more high-profile cases, there are to buy the more companies will start to be. We suspect that this increase is the reason for the price and not the actual ransom itself.“

According to reports in the US currently, with 53% of the attacks on the most common – and now, as cyber criminals switch to higher-level objectives, could begin also, more and more companies to buy Bitcoin. Something that will of course have an effect on the price.
Text evidence: Bitcoinis, MARTIN YOUNG

Cryptocurrency Market