Crypto-distribution: UNICEF is now accepting donations in Bitcoin and Ethereum

UNICEF has done currencies, another step in the direction of Crypto: The children’s Fund now accepts currencies donations in the Form of Bitcoin and other Crypto.


UNICEF relies completely on crypto

According to a press release from the 8. October is the International children’s United Nations Fund (UNICEF) now allows donations in Form of crypto currencies to accept.
UNICEF cooperates for this purpose with the Ethereum Foundation, which also made a first donation of the French national Committee of the organization.
According to the press release it is now possible to make donations in the Form of two crypto-currencies: either in Bitcoin or Ethereum.
And, unusually: UNICEF says it does not want to convert the funds received in Fiat. Instead, they would be stored in their original Form and distributed.
UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore commented the decision as “a new and exciting venture”.
“If digital economies and currencies have the potential to go to make generations, it is important that we explore the opportunities they offer,” says the Executive.
“Therefore, the establishment of our crypto currency Fund is an important and welcome progress in humanitarian work and development work.”
The Ethereum Foundation has already named four Beneficiaries of your donations, including three recipients of the UNICEF innovation Fund, and a project for the provision of Internet access for schools.
“Together with UNICEF, we take action with the crypto-Fund, in order to improve the access to basic needs, Rights and resources,” said Director of Aya Miyaguchi.
“We want to support the research and development of the Ethereum platform and the community of those increase, the benefit of a technology that will improve in the coming years, countless lives and industries.”

Exclusion of Bitcoin between dealers

UNICEF has already started in the past year to experiment with crypto-donations. The French accepted the outside post nine tokens, and other cryptographic-related initiatives to follow.
A conversion to Fiat will be waived, nevertheless comes at the right time. In the last few months, several high-profile cases of payment processors is known, the delay due to internal policies, donations, or completely refuse.
Including a payment of $ 100,000 to a charitable organization that helps to fight the fires in the Amazon rain forest. This should have stopped the payment service provider BitPay – allegedly due to the account settings of the charity.
The common practice with Cryptocurrency service providers, is in fact, the entire or part of the money immediately in Fiat to convert. The policy aims to avoid fluctuations in the market – which is however gone in the last few years back.
Text evidence: bitcoinis, ANJA VAN OOSTERHOUT

Cryptocurrency Market