Crypto goes Mainstream: video game giant Ubisoft cooperates with Blockchain-company Ultra

Ubisoft has just closed, together with Ultra – a block chain based network, based on EOSIO. The Gaming giant will contribute to the UOS test network of Ultra, before the company released in the next year be full Mainnet.

Gaming: the benefits of the Blockchain

To the great Surprise of the crypto-Community, Ubisoft has just announced to work closely with Ultra to cooperate (EOSIO offshoot called UOS Blockchain).
Blockchain-companies, Ultra-dedicated to their own statements, according to the development of the Gaming Community. On EOSIO-based games, and digital items can be traded, where the owner is permanently stored in the Blockchain.
Ubisoft recognizes, apparently, the potential in this idea and supported Ultras Vision. The Gaming giant will incubate in the test network UOS-Blockchain, and for the full acceptance by the consumer to prepare.
UOS is used by Ubisoft, the freezing of assets in the game, to facilitate the transfer of ownership between players and the use of payment channels. The partnership was announced today in a press release known.
The Deal was made possible by Ubisoft’s own Blockchain Department. The head of the Blockchain Initiative, the first Phase of the collaboration will include some of the “experiments”. Ubisoft plans to optimize the Ultra-network for High-End Gaming.
The company is pursuing the Blockchain-the area now for at least a year. In the past month, eight Blockchain-related businesses chose Ubisoft as part of its Start-up programme. In addition, there is a Department that deals exclusively with Blockchain issues.
It is clear that the company feels the pressure of competitors. Through the creation of a digital Ecosystem Ubisoft can make a flow more in-game experience and the players with a better connection. These ideas could soon become the Norm in the game world.
Ubisoft is trying to gain an edge over the competition. As EOS the Blockchain-of-Choice for this project, it could be that competitors will respond in the future, more high-profile partnerships. is a pure information platform, created to the best of our Knowledge and belief content. Completeness, accuracy, timeliness, and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, this is also true for exchange rate movements and information. On Coin Update published content, opinions, information, etc. are used exclusively for Information purposes and are not geared to individual requirements investment advice, and not knowledgeable. The published content neither buy nor sell recommendations by financial instruments, nor are they to be understood as a guarantee or warranty of certain price movements. The analyses, opinions, estimates, information or simulations to the historical price or value development of a financial instrument, as well as forecasts for future events, or developments, of the financial instruments presented are not reliable and sound indicators of value development. Historical events are not a guarantee of future profits. Forecasts also contain unforeseeable risks and factors that can be estimated from the outset, never a hundred percent. This may lead to actually occurring events, price movements and other factors that differ considerably from the on Coin Update published information. In addition, obliged to Coin Update, to keep track of the forecasts, or be adapted later on. Investments in digital currencies are associated with high risk, the total loss cannot be ruled out and is possible at any time. The use of the information in this media platform is at the user’s own risk. The contents of the Coin-Update are only opinions and are not subject to any quality control, as a basis for decision-making, in particular for the financial investment, or investment that is suitable, and are intended solely for General Information and discussion. In the case of Coin-Update is not investment advice, purchase or sale recommendations or make informed predictions about the value of development. The content published on Coin Update, this represents only the opinion of the author or authors. The contents do not constitute advice in the broadest sense, and is no substitute for individual legal or tax advice.

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