Cryptocurrencies most popular of 2019 in Latin america

The year 2019 was one of the most active in terms of Google searches about cryptocurrencies in Latin America, however, some countries stand out, as they showed a growing interest on the same during the course of the year. Despite the large amount of ups and downs that had some cryptocurrencies, such as BTC or a Pound of Facebook, these showed a strong acceptance by latinos. In addition, it was also possible to see how various governments undertook to regulate and control them; though there were several difficulties for the tokens, were shown to be one of the topics of greatest interest to the public.


What was the performance in search of the cryptocurrencies during the 2019?

The amount of searches of the word cryptocurrencies, can be found in Google Trends; a portal Google has many qualities, among them stands out the possibility of creating advertising schemes, and search keywords. Now, that portal was the one who did get the lookup information of the word cryptocurrencies, BTC or similar. With the information collected by Google may say that, according to the indexes of search in Latin America, the cryptocurrencies have had a great level of search; which clearly shows that there has been a large interest during the year 2019 by criptos.

BTC was the criptomoneda with higher search

The criptomoneda BTC or Bitcoin, was the one who started the whole issue, since it was the first digital currency to circulate in the networks. Because of this, is given the prominence and not just by value, but by the level of search that you had during the year 2019, which is kept between 30 and 50 points. However, the Bitcoin surpassed this amount in the month of June, exactly in the time periods from 23 to the 29 of the month. On that date he came to have up to 100 points in Google Trends; that is to say the maximum rating you can have in searches. It should be noted that, had a great recovery after starting the year with only a price of 3000 USD, however, it was also one of the cryptocurrencies with more disadvantages; which made it difficult to climb. However, for the December 16, is located between a price that is around 6500 and the 7100 USD. On the other hand, not only showed a great interest in the cryptocurrencies in Latin America. In countries like Nigeria and other parts of south Africa, there was also a great performance in search of BTC and criptos. Google Trend over the 2019 to noticing in Latin America, a strong increase of searches with the word criptomoneda.

Countries that had higher interest for the cryptocurrencies the year 2019

As already mentioned, Latin America was a large amount of queries in Google regarding the cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin. Countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela are the protagonists of the topic, since, their volume of searches were really high. In countries with more queries criptos and BTC in Latin America can be found to Brazil in the post number 1, with a total of 38 points and occupying the position number 8 in the world rankings. In addition, it also presented a great interest for the Brazilian Real; the official currency of the country, that it seems like many individuals have related searches of BTC. Later is Venezuela, the country with the position number 2 in the ranking of LATAM, occupying at least 31 points. Then it is the neighbouring country, that would be Colombia, which also had a great performance on queries of Google, occupying a total of 22 points and ranked number 3 in the ranking of searches. By continuing to can be found with Peru and later Argentina, who possess a level of searches of 15 and 14 points; therefore occupy the position number 4 and 5. The following two tabs change content below. I am a young man from Venezuela 18 years, lover of technology, innovation, and economic events that govern the world. One of my passions are cryptocurrencies.

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