Due to Phishing e-Mail: U.S. coast guard of new crypto-Ransomware attacked

The U.S. coast guard has issued a Ransomware attack on a government-regulated maritime facility with a security warning. The Penetration into the unnamed facility led to a more than 30-hour shutdown of the primary operations.


Coast guard is Phishing on the glue

Probably the Ryuk-Ransomware has received access to the IT network of the institution, as a member of staff a malicious Link in a Phishing E-Mail has been opened. The Ransomware encrypted, a considerable number of critical files, the camera broke – and access control systems and lost important monitoring systems for process control.
The coast guard recommends in their warning now to improve the network monitoring tools, the use of a current virus software and regular Backups. In addition, a segmentation of the networks is proposed to prevent the use of IT systems have access to the operational technology (OT).
Because the incident is still under investigation, there is no confirmation of when the event occurred or whether a ransom was demanded or paid.
In a similar incident in the port of San Diego in September 2018, the attacker demanded a ransom in the Form of Bitcoin, although the institution did not provide information about how much and whether or not BTC has been paid.

Ransomware attacks to take

In the past year, Ransomware has won in cyber criminal to downloads and the crypto-Jacking as the preferred approach obsolete. Earlier this month, the attacker had the Argentine government in the visor, and called for a 50 BTC to the attack to withdraw.
Since Bitcoin is, in most cases, the preferred method of payment, this tends to be fuel for those who want to put the Top crypto-currency in a drawer with criminal activity. Studies suggest, however, that many of these cyber criminals used Tools originally come from national sources.
So Bitcoin might be the one who gets the last laugh – because the demand for BTC due to the increasing proliferation of Ransomware attacks is likely to increase finally also the prices.

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