Earnings of the technology Blockchain will reach 10 billion by 2023 – Breaking News

The Blockchain is one of the most revolutionary technologies of all time. Not only is changing the way we communicate with each other, but it is also transforming the world of finance, the government, the trade and even the health. Of course, in his breakthrough technology Blockchain will generate business opportunities that can be harnessed by those with sufficient insight to understand how the chains of blocks can create a better future, and devise concrete mechanisms for this to happen. According to consulting firm ABI Research, in a report published today, 28 August, the profits generated in this sector of the economy have been increasing steadily despite the fall in the volume of the Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), launched from its peak in the year 2017, as well as the amount of money that they raise. However, the growth of the capital invested in the construction of infrastructure and the Blockchain has enabled the maintenance of the constant flow of money in this technology, so that the profits earned annually by the investors have also been increasing. “Stricter regulations (including securities) and taxes (such as foreign currency, income, financial asset, etc) on the cryptocurrencies in a number of countries, are leading investors to look beyond the ICOs towards investments more stable-based venture capital (VC) in startups engaged in the Blockchain, focusing on giving support to the infrastructure, retail, supply chain, and business applications”, explains the Director of research in the Blockchain, and digital values of ABI, Michela Menting. One of the problems that have confronted applications in Blockchain not dedicated to the financial sector or insurance, is the lack of Middleware, i.e. a software that is placed between the application and the operating system where you will run, allowing your support. This is a problem that ABI Research expects to be resolved as of 2021, which would give an impetus to the increase in the revenues generated thanks to technology Blockchain, placing them in the order of 10 billion dollars for 2023. A figure such as this, demonstrates the vitality of the technology of Blockchain and the potential it has to generate business that are profitable, and therefore to continue promoting investment in the sector. And this is the reason why we chose this as our Data of the Day in CriptoTendencia. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.


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