Economist accuses Bitcoin of being a pyramid scheme

Despite the fact that Bitcoin already has more than 10 years and ended 2019 with good results, there are still those who accuse them of being a pyramid scheme. In this opportunity was a well-known economist, who states that the criptomoneda does not have a real utility in the real world. Tendayi Kapfidze, the chief economist of LendingTree is the one who is accusing the digital currency to be a hoax. In an interview for Yahoo Finance, said that Bitcoin “is a ponzi scheme”. He also added that “only earn money based on the people that enter after you.” He continued his statement claiming that: “you do Not have a real utility in the world. Have been trying to create a utility for it for ten years. It’s a solution in search of a problem and has not yet found a problem to solve”. For many it is quite an exaggeration to say that the cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, have no utility in the real world. Especially after the same Bank of America reported that BTC was the best investment of the decade. In addition to this, it has been seen as many companies have decided to adopt cryptocurrencies as the future of money. Also several financial institutions and central banks are taking steps toward the adoption of cryptography. So much so that various central banks around the world are looking to launch their own digital currencies. But, despite all this, there are still people who are wary of Bitcoin and consider it only as a active speculative.


Other opinions on Bitcoin

On the other hand, there are analysts who, although they are not entirely sure about the utility of the criptomoneda, do not consider Bitcoin a pyramid scheme. An example of this is Oliver Pursche, chief of market strategy of Bruderman Asset Management: “I Am the owner of several cryptocurrencies. I got into them at the end of 2016 and early 2017. I bought the weights equal with a specific thought: ‘there is something here, I just don’t know what it is’ (…) I have five … if I’m lucky, one of them will become a star”. According to Pursche, which prompted him to venture into the world of cryptographic was curious. I saw how it was developing a technology that did not know much. Therefore, it considered that the best way to learn it was to acquire digital currencies and to study the technology Blockchain. “For me, it is also a way of educating myself about that (…) for me, if you want to learn about that, you must be the owner because that is the only way that you really educarás and lend attention.” However, do not think you can win a lot of money with Bitcoin or the cryptocurrencies in general. Ensures that if you come into this world, you must understand that you may lose all your principle and that this is purely speculative”. Although this kind of opinions will continue to form part of the day-to-day, the members of the community to cryptographically do not give up. Maintain your confidence in that cryptocurrencies really are the future of money. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of International Studies, interested in new technologies and their impact on the world. A true believer that tenacity is the foundation of success.

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