Economy of privacy was the protagonist in the first day of laBITconf 2019

The value of privacy for human beings, was the main subject on which turned the first day of laBIFconf 2019 is performed in Montevideo, Uruguay, 12 and 13 December. The event brings together experts from the industry, enthusiasts of the cryptocurrencies and the technology of the strings of blocks, to share their experiences and impressions about the ecosystem and its reach throughout the south american country and in the continente.De according to the narration on Twitter of the correspondent Breaking News Carelín Garcia, the event inaugurated its seventh edition with the presentation of a video about the history of money in the society, which gave way to a talk on the introduction of the uruguayan economy, with an exposition of the potentialities for which Uruguay stands out in Latin America for the development of technological projects. The power of its connectivity and its data processing center, are some of the reasons that it has become a niche remarkable.One of the keynote of the day was dictated by the well-known evangelist of the cryptocurrencies Andreas Antonopoulos, who invited those present to reflect on the privacy. “How much is your privacy? There is an estimate that says that to record everything you say throughout your life, only it would cost a dollar a day to record everything,” he said to show the little value that people give to this human right.“One of the current problems that most have is that our privacy has a very low price. We are willing to give our data, name, date of birth, for a video of cats”, he added while explaining that the currency of the Internet is the microviolacion of our privacy. “You don’t realize that you lose a bit of data that will reap a dictator and a populist who is one step closer to being elected, creating propaganda,” he stressed.Antonopoulos believes Bitcoin is only the first step toward greater privacy in the financial system, but believes that it depends on each one of the people, their relatives and friends, to raise awareness about it.

“You have to choose from: videos of cats or democracy. You can’t choose the two. The question is. What are you going to do to you?” Today, morning. Teach your family, your parents, how to use apps that protect your privacy”.Andreas Antonopoulos, an evangelist of Bitcoin.

The educator and developer of Bitcoin Jimmy Song during his speech also touched the topic of privacy and how the cryptocurrencies democratize the money. “Bitcoin works because everyone no longer depends on the american dollar… all this human capital can be distributed and focus your creativity to create,” explained Song.

“If you can create all the money you want you’d have the power to virtually solve all the problems, this is why all these programs of social assistance grow. But that money does not appear out of nothing, we removed all through inflation”Jimmy Song, an educator and a developer of Bitcoin.

Also participated the journalist Max Kaiser with a talk on “why Bitcoin matters in emerging markets” in which he mentioned that the criptomoneda pioneer is the nightmare of the money to trustee because he is seen as the replacement pacific in the face of violence generated in the world against the traditional systems, the entire time from Hong Kong in Asia, to Chile in Latin America, and more countries have in common, each country is not the system, religion or language, it is the fiat money.In addition, Kaiser argues that Bitcoin is the reincarnation of the gold, making reference that is as close to when the gold began to be used as money. Keiser alleges that Bitcoin has its force because the world want it as well, as was the case with the precious metals. For all this, believes that the cryptocurrencies in general, we are subtracting power to the politicians and Central Banks. You use the phrase “it’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message”, referring to the growing adoption of Bitcoin is a reflection of the people want a change.During the first day were also developed lectures on stable currencies and finance decentralized in an event at which queen the air of familiarity among attendees, people of various nationalities, filling up the aisles with their talks on the future of the technology of accounting is distributed in Latin America that proves, once more, the evolution of the ecosystem in the region.

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