Ethereum Flippening by Tron – reality or fiction?

At the beginning of the year, we look forward to the future and ask ourselves what 2020 holds for us. It assumes the Crypto-God with us, or before us a gloomy, cold and bearish time?
When it comes to Udi Wertheimer, the Crypto-God, at least a Surprise for us: Because, in his opinion, it will come in 2020 to an Ethereum Flippening. Responsible for this should be TRON.
What is behind the statements of Udi Wertheimer to the Ethereum Flippening? – Reality or fiction?


Ethereum is about a sinking ship?

About Ethereum, the large-scale plans for 2020, the variety of Hardforks, the Smart Contract Chaos, Ice Age and so on was written in the past weeks a lot. Ethereum creates margins of the large throw within the prescribed time, the chances are good that the ETH course benefits. In view of the high expectation, the pressure, however, is a big error could cost a lot of money.
Udi Wertheimer, an independent developer, Bitcoin Supporter and a former Software engineer at PayPal, spoke to Ethereum. So Wertheimer said that 2020 is quite a Ethereum Flippening could, which is triggered by TRON.

The comment, which Wertheimer in November of last year wrote, it has with it. So the developer Wertheimer shoots against the ‘DeFi bois’.

Wertheimer, a self-confessed Troll – TRON is so safe?

A little later, Wertheimer was then, and explained his views. The question here is whether Wertheimer wants to establish itself as a Mega-Troll, an actual TRON Fan or just have something against Ethereum has?

Because if we look at the biography of Wertheimer in a little more detail (for example, Medium), then the former PayPal developer referred time for as a Troll. Regardless of Wertheimer has launched a survey, which ran until a few days ago. In this, he wanted to know which Coin Ethereum 2020 will overtake:

In the survey, after all of 2,465 people participated, showing Tron as the winner. Let us have a look at the Numbers, and the current state of Ethereum.

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Ethereum is and remains the point of contact for dApps

About three weeks ago DappRadar has published a Report with the title dapp Industry Review. In this the current Is compared to state of the dApp-Ecosystems. Among other things, Ethereum, EOS and Tron are the subject of the report.
And so is quite clearly in the report that Ethereum will remain, as before, the measure of all things, when it comes to distributed applications.

Ethereum is the most important Smart Contract Blockchain remains. The daily number of users in your dApp Ecosystem could be increased in 2019 to 118 percent.

Furthermore, Ethereum is the only platform that manages to grow in all relevant dApp-areas. As it says in the report:

Ethereum is the only Blockchain platform, which creates it with the dApps to grow in all four relevant areas: DeFi, Exchanges, Games, and Gambling and High-Risk games.

EOS, however, must fight according to the report, with a fall in the number of users. TRON managed the daily users to increase the basis of a good 93 percent, however, the focus is mainly on Gambling and High-Risk Games. In the area of DeFi games Tron only a minor role.
How seriously do you take the statements Wertheimer at all? Troll or informed opinion? Do you think that it could come out 2020 to an Ethereum Flippening?
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(Image Source: Shutterstock)

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