Ethereum launches more information about ETH 2.0

Each time is closer to the day of the launch of the new version of Ethereum. Which promises to solve several of the most difficult challenges facing the criptomoneda. Offering larger capacities, and security, compared with the previous version of ETH.


Ethereum 2.0 in perspective

The new version of ETH, Ethereum 2.0, is one of the events most anticipated by the crypto world. Therefore, the same, promises to be a revolution in the whole rule for the cryptocurrencies that, as Ethereum. Facing difficult challenges in terms of security and scalability. So, to be successful the update, it has become a model for the improvement of other criptoactivos. This version of Ethereum, you will come to the users of the virtual currency in January 2020. And will bring significant changes to the operation of the same. Being perhaps the main one of them, the change from a method of validation of transaction Proof of Work (Proof of work) to Proof of Participation (Proof of participation). In practical terms, this will mean that those who want to participate in the validation of transactions in the chain of Ethereum. Will, before anything else, possess a certain amount of the criptomoneda in your digital wallet. Which will be “retained” while validating the transaction. Perdiéndolos in case of validate a fraudulent operation. This is expected to improve the security of the platform, to keep this kind of bail 32 ETH for each validation you want to perform. Which, together with changes in the code of Ethereum, would have a chain more secure and quicker for the future.

New information released

Also, through the blog of the Ethereum Foundation, have appeared new information about the future of Ethereum 2.0. Starting with the confirmation that, in these moments, the team Ethereum is doing tests. This, with the aim of giving the final touches to the details on the security of the new version of ETH: “This week, we’ve improved the defenses of the rule of choice of forks of the Phase 0. A large part of our time is spent to analyze ETH2 to ensure that the system can remain stable even under adverse conditions (for example, a large attacker, a break or partition important the network, etc)“. The blog entry continues to inform you about the release of A web page in which Ethereum you plan to keep your community up-to-date. Hanging information on all the reward programs of ETH, to identify problems in the programming of Ethereum 2.0. Finally, the text ends by informing about the granting of a scholarship to Shigeo Mitsunari. This is thanks to their work to maintain the library of pairing super-fast Herumi. As well as, the library of signatures of BLS. Which could help in the process of updating the libraries for that are up to date with the new standard BLS. Much faster, and therefore a means to fight against the problems of scalability that are already starting to make a dent in Ethereum. These news provided by the criptomoneda in its latest update. We show that the foundation would be giving the final touches to the launch of Ethereum 2.0. Since, the changes reflected in the entry of the post are minor, and mainly focused on the confirmation of the work already done. And no, the announcement of new efforts or updates. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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