Ethereum on the precipice? ETH Delisting, Ice Age, and Smart Contract Chaos

This decision is likely to encounter surprise: Ethereum has just had a successful Hard Fork and is now the oldest British Exchange Ethereum would like to delisten. Has decided to Coin Floor for a Delisting, because of the problems in Smart Contracts are occurred on the Ethtereum Blockchain? An Analysis.


Coin Floor banished Ethereum from the offer

Coin Floor is the oldest Crypto stock exchange of great Britain, and adopts Ethereum in January, from the quote. As a justification for the Exchange to the uncertainties arising from the planned Updates and Hardforks. The CEO of Coin Floor, Obi Nwosu of fears of instability in the crypto-currency, and says, moreover, that the ETH is only a very small part of the volume of trade. Because Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will no longer be offered starting in January.

“The Update to Ethereum 2.0 will take years, (…) due to the complexity, it could be for a certain period of time two versions of Ethereum”

The ETH Blockchain is to change its mechanism for Consensus from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake and has carried out a week ago, a successful Hard Fork. A Hard Fork can happen to an incompatible Protocol change in it, the Blockchain splits into 2 different chains. A would follow the new consensus rules, the other would be the old hold on to. This is the last of Istanbul’s Update, however, happened.Ether buy? In the case of Kraken, of course. Easy. Sure. Top.If you shall change your mind where Ethereum to buy an octopus. The stock exchange is one of the most reputable and safest companies in the industry. Who has a Fidor Bank account can make deposits even on the same day. More security is not! Start now!

Smart Contracts disrupted by new Gas calculation

The Instanbul Update is relatively been successfully carried out, however, some problems only after some time. As a data analyst of Coin Metrics described on Twitter, there are currently some problems with the execution of Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain. The cause of the Problem is the new calculation of the “GAS” price, which pays a Smart Contract is to carry out its work. The failures in the execution of Smart Contracts quadrupled for a short time after the Istanbul Hard Fork.

Twitter Leak of failure of the ETH developers

As if this were not enough, the rose of the Twitter User Udi Wertheimer big accusations against the Ethereum Foundation. It is a disgrace for the ETH Node and Service operators will be playing all three weeks of new Updates. In addition, the Ethereum Blockchain is, according to his statements in real danger. This, he reasoned with the “Ice age feature,” which should motivate the developers and the System to make progress in the development of and Updates to a Proof of Stake System. The Feature slows down the blocks of the Blockchain further and further, allegedly, the Community and developers to reach a consensus change to be necessary.

Ice age for Ethereum: more of a shot in the knee?

A forced Motivation, the more of a whip than a piece of sugar is similar. According to Wertheimer, push the developers of Ethereum, the transition to PoS for far too long, and have but at the same time, “Ice age feature” in the neck. During Istanbul Update, the developers have now said to forget the built-in slowdown reset, which endangers the Ethereum Blockchain and according to Wertheimer against the ETH Community guidelines. In the worst case, the Blockchain could be so slow that it stops.5 reasons why you invest in Bitcoin should: again and again we hear the same statements to Bitcoin. Soon, he could be prohibited, the Central banks make it unnecessary and you could buy it anyway, none of that. We take care of the most common fairy tales and show you 5 reasons why you should invest in Bitcoin. Why should you be in Bitcoin investing.Despite the less-than-satisfactory news to ETH, one can stay relatively relaxed, because the long-term perspective of the Ethereum Blockchain is still positive, because the developers will keep the project alive.How critical do you see the ongoing Ethereum Updates?Come on in to our Telegram Chat and talk with the experts and the Community!You look better Videos to read the article? Then look at our Youtube Channel over.(Image Source: Shutterstock)

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