Facebook Libra comes to 2020 – a new Roadmap published

In spite of the regulatory uncertainty the development of Facebook’s Libra’s project forward. Recently, the Libra Team has released its second Roadmap, in the Start of the Main Nets.


Devs help to strengthen the Community

For the actual launch, there’s still no date for this, the Team builds its Community. A recently published Blog Post, the developer indicates that the project is still active and the technology is already being tested with members of the Libra Association.
The new Roadmap describes the work on the launch of the Mainnet, the definition of the criteria for a Start, as well as educating the Community about the contributions to the project.
The development team in the Blog:

“We have completed the relevant design work and a thorough, bottom-up schedule for all functions to go through. We are now working on a full set of documents to the Libra-Protocol architecture, and finalize our external APIs with Input from the Community. In the future, we begin to identify the work that is necessary to allow the community, which hopes to win the Libra project.“

The Libra-Testnet is running with an eight-Testnet-Validator-Nodes, while the Tests are carried out on the consensus and its possible errors. The development team is also working on the establishment of validation Nodes for non-technical members.
During this process, additional members may be invited to the Libra Association. The exact list of validators will be unknown, although the Libra Association has lost among its members the majority of payment service providers including PayPal and MasterCard.
The long-term Vision for Libra is the ability to accept new members and scale to the Validator Nodes to 100. Running a Validator Node is a skill that can be learned, and it’s more validators should be obtained for the consortium. The project will aim, in the future, a community of validators together.

Further delays in the Libra project

On the non-technical side, the introduction of Facebook depends on the Quasi-crypto-currency still in compliance with the Wallet-Compliance. Regulatory hurdles could be the main obstacle for the Libra-introduction, by the way, also prevents an early Start in 2020.
However, despite the developer’s work Libra could require the largest part of the year 2020 to a market introduction, almost. The criteria for the Roadmap to be edited, and must be completed by June 2020 – when Libra comes back in front of the regulatory authorities.
Patrick Ellis, a Board member of the Libra Association, explained that there is no clear Plan for the introduction.

“At the present time, there is no set in stone strategy for the markets or the product, or how it actually should be introduced.”

However, Ellis believes that the project could start until the end of the year, as well as co-founder, David Marcus.

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