Facebook offers up to $ 10,000 to anyone who finds a bug in pound – Breaking News

Since its announcement to the public in mid-June of this year, the virtual currency of Facebook, the Libra, has generated a wave of fear within governments and analysts around the world, which are suspicious of the ability of Facebook to create and use responsibly this instrument. And is that, in the past, Facebook has faced problems with the justice due to the misuse of the users ‘ information that you obtain through your social network, which has led to that there is distrust of the company led by Mark Zuckerberg. However, beyond the trust that you have on Facebook, what is certain is that a project of the magnitude and ambition of a Pound generates for itself fear of the possible consequences it could have on the international financial system, and is that any error in its programming or administration would be catastrophic for the economy. For this reason, Facebook has announced a hunt for bugs in the programming and design of the Blockchain of a Pound, allowing users to be able to inspect it during its launch, sending reports about faults and gaps in the security of the new virtual currency. The aim stated by the organization for this program is essentially the creation of a vibrant community of developers, who can join the already existing ones, to generate a network of users interested in the security and development of the project in all over the world. For the launch of this program, hunt for bugs, The Pound Association has partnered with HackerOne, providing all the necessary documentation to users who wish to participate in the search for bugs, and giving in addition to rewards for up to $ 10,000 for failures that are most important, decreasing the amount as it does the importance of the detected bug. The launch of this program comes at a time when, even the own members of The Libra Association, begin to doubt the ability of Facebook to launch and manage the virtual currency, in a context of open hostility against it by the major nations of the world. Therefore, the announcement of the program of hunting of bugs, would serve to increase the confidence of the public, governments and businesses in Pound, as would the inclusion of other actors that are external to Facebook and the rest of the companies behind the project, in the administration and monitoring of the same. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.


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