Government UAE launches Contest Blockchain by $16.000

With the purpose of promoting the development of applications based on blockchain; the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced the competition “Social Blockathon”. According to the report given by the official news agency of the country; competition will drive the use of technology in the strings of blocks with educational, social and recreational activities. The call was made by the Ministry of Community Development of the UAE (MOCD). The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2020, and the winners will be announced later in the month. Among other criteria; applicants will be judged on their precision, innovation, security, scalability and connectivity. With this, the country aims to move towards its goal of making Dubai the first City “Blockchain” of the world. The winners of the contest will receive the prizes in the fiat currency of the UAE, the dirham (AED). For the first place winner, the prize will be 30,000 AED ($ 8.200). For their part, the winners of the second and third place will be awarded to 20,000 AED ($ 5.400) and 10,000 AED (us$ 2,700), respectively.


Blockathon as initiative

The “Blockathon” is a space that brings together specialists in programming, graphic designers, and interface to develop the technology Blockchain. The teams will work on systems that serve the community and that can be applied in a creative way. Participants will be required to develop these applications in a limited period of time. You don’t have to use any software or applications clip art.

The development plan Blockchain

The MOCD seeks to improve the social development in the country as they strive to meet the goals of the national development agenda: Emirates Vision 2021. This agenda; sets out the key issues for the social and economic development of the UAE. Likewise, pretends to make a call to a shift towards a knowledge-based economy. The following two tabs change content below. Engineer, lover of economics and technology; Convinced that Blockchain will empower them to future generations, giving them freedom and sovereignty to each individual.

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